Comic Books
THOR #601
Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 100.0%
User | Added | Spoilers | |
markfg | 04/24/09 | Yes | Read Review |
JesTr | 04/24/09 | Yes | Read Review |
Rustyautoparts | 04/24/09 | Yes | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 4.0
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If you’re loving Dark Reign, you HAVE to read Thor 600-601. Major Dark Reign stuff went down last issue, surprisingly so.
@kickAss I thought the dark reign tying in was done really well in that last issue. I almost forgot loki’s role in the cabal. I think JMS made some really good choices about how to acknowledge that but still keep this book feeling like itself.
Finally on issues with this title. *giddy*
Yeah… feel like it’s been a while since we’ve seen this series.
So the number switch to 600 was a slick way to get an issue bump and then push the cover price up to $3.99. Thor has been good…but only $2.99 good.
@Leonard…exactly! Thor is nowhere close to being a $3.99 good book. Although I guess the price hike is mitigated somewhat by the fact they can only be bothered to get the book out every few months.
MAYBE I’ll catch up in trades…If I haven’t forgotten about the book in the 12-18 months it’ll probably take to get the next 6 issues out.
try subscribing. it’s still less than two dollars an issue. or..
Yeah … I’m switching to trades if this is going to be $3.99 now. Disappointing.
Well Thor comes out every three months, so if your worried about the price hike just save up your loose change and you should be good. Or like FACE suggested, try getting a subscription through Marvel, they give you a good discount.
I’m dropping it because I’m moving to trades with most of my comics, and the price jump seemed like a good excuse.
I just saw this was $3.99… ugh. May be dropping it right away then.
The best comic Josh loves to hate!
Asgard obviously got caught up in the whole sub-prime mortgage mess.
I’d recommend Thor try picking up a South Beach condo on the cheap.
Whoa Whoa Whoa…Copiel isn’t on pencils anymore…bummmmer.
@AlexG-He is still on pencils, just not for this issue
deserves every eisner nom it got
@drake—ok cool, a fill in penciller I can live with…man I love that Copiel art…I can’t believe he puts that much work into a monthly. $3.99 though…Errggghh.
While the price increase is steep, I’m sticking to singles for the time being. I liked this issue, it was a bit of a let down after issue #600 (Silly Marvel, you wouldn’t have to renumber crap if you didn’t reboot all your books in the late 90s and early 00s) but still very good. Essentially an issue full of quiet character moments, and one loud one. Brilliant series, I look forward to it. While I wasn’t a fan of the art change, Djurdjevic does a far job of capturing Copiel’s Thor, Loki and Blake. His Balder was a little chubby in the face during the "Eating of the Chicken leg" scene.
I thought this was a really great issue. There’s something about this book that is just magic. The way the Thor Blake releationship works, that bond that is so deep nothing really needs to be said about it in the book. He actually manages to make it believable and cool that these two people are sharing the same life. The Loki, Doom, Baulder interaction was so sharp and perfect. Djurdjevic did a heck of a job stepping in. It took me a while before I was ready to move past the first page. There are few books where the writing is this solid. Brubaker’s Criminal, or Ennis’s Battlefields, maybe. Those are books that make all the other books look bad.
Very impressive issue. Would have been POTW if not for Detective Comics.
I would pay $4.99. Still need to read Viking but so far this is the book. JMS has these characters down.
I have been reading Thor for a very long time, and JMS’ run is my favorite. This is good stuff. I am anxious to hear Josh explain in the podcast why this isn’t his cup of tea, beacuse I am digging the hell out of this book. I really like how each member of the cast has a unique voice and feels distinctly different than other characters in the book.
Josh gave this book a 2… I think hes a sleeper Skrull/Kryptonian.
Yup, officially my POTW. How can anyone not love Volstagg?
This is very close to my pick. I haven’t read Viking yet, so it may be that. If not, then it’s either this or Spider-Man. Personlly, I think this book is one of the ones worth the $3.99 cover price because I love every single page of this book. I’d rather pay it here than on some of the other $3.99 books Marvel has…
And, as an aside, I doubt waiting for the trade is going to save money, if you’re buying from a local store…
@DMaggot: Who buys trades from local stores?
This was great. This entire run has been great. Not only that, but this issue it packed full.
@AlexG-I may be wrong about Coipel coming back. The solicits I have seen from the next two issues all list Marco as the artist.
@conor ::raises hand.:: I do, but I’m generally not a trade person, so the difference is I won’t think to order it online, but if I see it in the store, I’ll probably pick it up. When I was looking for it, I couldn’t find Fear Agent Vol. 1 in stock on any site, yet my LCS had it right on a display. Granted that’s the reverse of what usually happens, but it made for an interesting experience.
@josh – Well…I do…I like to support my local store as much as I can.
Dammit…That was supposed to be @conor…I just read josh’s review of Invincible and still had that in my head. Sorry.
Yeah I’m an guy (THANKS IFANBOYS!) unless my local store is having a sale. Which they do every month or so. Anywhere from 20-50% off, so I try to clean them out then.
Back on topic…
This was a great issue. I have always been a JMS fan (minus The Twelve) and this did not dissapoint.
As far as the price goes, I’m willing to pay the $3.99 for the "big" titles like this and the Avengers books since that means Marvel can keep some of the books that aren’t guaranteed to sell like gangbusters at $2.99.
I’ve gotta say that I absolutely love the relationship story between the goddess (I forget her name) and the grill cook Bill. Its one of the best character bits through this entire run and really escalated nicely in this issue. Interesting to see where this goes
Once again another wonderful issue. Always worth the wait & the price hike.
I get a 14% discount on trades at my LCS…so I like to buy em there