Comic Books

> > 9-of-12
THE SHADE #9 (OF 12)

• The final chapter of this amazing epic begins here, with fantastic art by FRAZER IRVING (BATMAN AND ROBIN, XOMBI)!

• THE SHADE returns to his hometown, London, to get to the bottom of the mystery of who tried to kill him!

Written by James Robinson
Art by Frazer Irving
Cover by Tony Harris
Variant Cover by Frazer Irving

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.7%
Avg Rating: 4.5
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  1. Yes, finally a book with Frazer Irving on art again. I missed his art since Xombi got cancelled. Curious to see if his style actually fits this book.

  2. Oh, I’d day this is right up Irving’s alley!

  3. This sounds like its made just for me! Wish I could see the cover though. Harris has been KILLING it!

  4. The inclusion of Frazer Irving basically convinced me to get the trade when it comes out.

    As for the story, can anyone tell me if I will be lost if I just buy the trade for this series? For some reason it seems like this is spinning out of something I never read. I’m very interested to know.

    • Although there is a tie to Starman, all it does is inform the background. You need to read nothing else to enjoy it. With this array of talented artists it’s a no-brainer for a double-dip for me.

    • Thank you. I haven’t read Starman (yet). I look forward to reading both. Hopefully they put this out in a nice, one-volume HC.

  5. What a wonderful comic book. Robinsons writing combined with such art. It can’t get any better. Pulido wasn’t bad, but Irving is another dimension.

  6. Best series DC is putting out right now.

  7. This might be my favorite single issue of the year to date. Fantastic story, and Irving’s art is out of this world.

  8. Frazer Irving was born to draw the Shade. No one can draw those shadows like him

  9. This has been a pretty good maxi-series and I really like The Shade however this issue did this title no justice!! I gave it a 1 and only because it is The Shade, otherwise this was a horrible issue to me. The artwork was not very enjoyable as it confused me as to what was goin gon this issue as much as the story line; as well as boring. I found myself falling asleep by the fourth page and then I really only think I finished it kinda a speed reading it to get through. Sorry great Maxi-series however this issue was a let down, need more modern up to date Shade with there only being a few issues remaining.


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