Comic Books


• The Rogues – victorious? If THE FLASH had trouble with them individually, together they’ll kill him!

• Something worse than The Rogues is just waiting for the right moment to attack….

Written by Francis Manapul & Brian Buccellato
Art by Francis Manapul & Marcus To
Cover by Francis Manapul

Price: $4.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 3.9%


Kipper209908/30/12NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.1
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  1. 6 artists on one annual!!?? that’s crazy.

  2. I kind of feel obligated to pick it up since I’ve been enjoying The Flash (a new New52 reader here!) but I am not looking forward to 4.99.

  3. I think this book has been stuck in the mud for about 6 months. That subplot with Iris still hasn’t been resolved. Almost like it was forgotten, and I’m not digging some of the revamps of the rouges. Capt Cold doesn’t have his ice gun anymore, but seems less bad ass. Johns could write a great Capt Cold. These seem almost like pale knock offs. This could be my last pull of this title.

    and Flash is one of my favorites. Been reading him since the 70’s.

    • Well then, leap forward to 2012, along with any weeping Wally fans and enjoy The Scarlet Speedster as he is now! The artwork is top notch, and the writing is getting better and better. Manapul & Buccellato are doing an awesome job, and I’m sure in the future will be exploring all the Rogues on “deeper” levels. The bad ass meter seemed fine to me whenever Cold was on the page.

      I’ve read The Flash for quite a while as well, and love Geoff Johns…..but I just decided to read The Flash as it is; without comparing to the past, since #1 of the “New 52”. I’ve enjoyed it immensely!

    • I only started to read the Flash during Flashpoint and then in the new 52 so I really don’t know Wally at all. But I am really liking Barry!

  4. How many story pages are there to this? My very first Annual book ever since I started reading comics a year ago so hopefully there is more then the regular issue books:)

    • Annuals can vary in length, but they’re usually at least double length.

      The format can also vary — sometimes there’s a lead feature and a couple shorter back-ups (Marvel’s annuals through the 80s and 90s were like this), other times there’s just a single story (the recent Batman Annual written by Scott Snyder).

    • Oh ok awesome, thanks KenOchalek:)

  5. While i agree that the series has been kinda all over the place quality-wise recently, last issue was my surprise Pick of the Week, so naturally i’m quite looking forward to this:)

    • Ditto!

      LOVED last issue and I was about to post abut it here, but you said what I would have, so …

      I won’t be getting this annual until Saturday. Looking forward to it a lot!

  6. I loved this issue… looking like a strong contender for pick of this week (10 books down, 8 to go). Can’t believe we have to wait two months for that cliffhanger.

  7. What does annual mean?

    • It’s an extra-long issue of a book that comes out once a year (annually). Sometimes it’s a stand-alone story (or group of stories) and sometimes it ties in with the monthly ongoing storyline.

    • thx 🙂

    • I like annuals that are NOT part of a big event and have done-in-one stand-alone stories.

      However, I’m really happy that this one takes the rogues storyline further along.

      DC is doing really well with some of this year’s annuals.

  8. It’s good to see Scott Kolins drawing the Flash in his old style, FINALLY!

  9. I was disappointed initially not to see any Manapul art inside, but the stories inside we’re awesome!! I feel as if this annual has really progressed several of the plots & that’s what this book needed, some forward progression.

  10. I wasn’t too crazy about this issue, but I’m interested in where the story is goin from the last page, but that’s not till october. Am I the only one who’s thinking about skipping the 0 issues?

  11. GREAT and fun annual!

    I really liked some of the art, especially in the last, longest chapter. I’d love to see his art in The Flash again, or any comic, for ht matter.

    JLA is my PotW by a tiny hair more, but this is by far the best of the annuals DC had put out so far this year and probably
    the best Flash comic since the re-boot.

    5 / 5 for me.

  12. I really enjoyed this annual too. I liked that it continued the current story from the regular title. This series has really improved compared to the first few issues.

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