Comic Books



• With the events of AVX raging around them, an Avenger betrays the team!

Story by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Walt Simonson & Scott Hanna
Colors by Jason Keith
Letters by Cory Petit
Cover by Walt Simonson

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 2.9
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  1. Walt Simonson and Scott Hanna?


  2. I still think someone else is writing this and putting Bendis’ name on it. Either that or Bendis is really phoning it in.

    • I feel a ton of the AvX stuff is being phoned in. I am willing to bet most writers had their own agenda and then out of nowhere just had to go along with the rest of the tie-ins. As stated below, most of the stuff does not match up!

  3. Has anyone pointed put the fact that this story and whatever is going on over Secret Avengers do not match at all?

    • I was thinking the same thing! I thought maybe I was just confusing the reading order but I can’t seem to make it work at all. Am I missing something?

    • Yeah, I am not trilled with this aspect of this part of AvX. Just doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense.

  4. Overall disappointing issue.

    To be honest, if not for Thor’s parts (and the cover for next issue), this issue would be a total waste for me.

    Maybe if I knew more about Noh and Annie, but as it stands, a really disappointing comic for me.

    2/5 (1.5 out-of-5, really.)

  5. There is no rhyme or reason to this tie-in. If the space squad story is being told in Secret Avengers, why not dedicate these pages to something else; how about something not related to an event for a change; when was the last time an Avengers title had a story not connected to an event?

    Please check my mini-review here:

    Comments and feedback are always welcome!

  6. Wow, he really stopped trying. I was getting this for Mr. Simonson’s art, but hooo boy Bendis has given up. Is he just doing too much TV and stuff now? Something has got to give or he is soon to be the next Jeph Loeb (used to be good, now so bad it’s good, also known as: A Joke).

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