Comic Books
• The Mad Titan flees his home in search of true love.
• But how many lives will he have to take to find it?
• The book so blood-soaked you’ll be glad it’s a mini-series.
Story by Jason AaronArt by Simone Bianchi
Colors by Ive Svorcina
Letters by Clayton Cowles
Cover by Simone Bianchi
Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
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Vumbo | 06/07/13 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 3.8
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I am digging Aaron’s Thanos. I think playing up the serial killer angle last issue was smart. I’m anxious to see how he evolves into a mass genocidist and whether or not the little girl turns out to be Death herself, or perhaps one of her pawns.
I’ve been thinking for awhile that the girl is Death.
I love this!
Wow, what a dark dark story. I really enjoyed the writing, loved the artwork even more. Poor kid, just wants nothing more than impress Death. Great job by Aaron and Bianchi!
This was the best issue so far I’m glad I stuck around to finish this mini, while the bianchi art I don’t think looks that great in this or maybe isn’t right for the book I feel Aaron is writing an interesting story