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Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.7%
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jmstump | 03/10/08 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 3.9
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So far I have been having fun with this book. I hope it continues.
Anybody else think this book should go monthly after the mini?
It should go monthly, but only if Kerschl stays.
Um, what? It doesn’t make any sense that a Year One book should go monthly. These are the old Titans. The Teen Titans mythos has moved on. History has moved on. A fun loook into the past every now & again is nice. But what are they going to do, retell the Wolfman/Perez era of Teen Titans?
However, I do want more Kerschl art in a regular DC title. And Amy Wolfram should be writing more as well. That I definitely do want.
@Labor – Agreed. I don’t think a year one book should go monthly. Especially when there have been a couple year one stories that I would have loved to see be a monthly, such as Batgirl. Oh how I miss my Barbara Gordon Batgirl.
It would be like how it was Pre-Crisis back in the 70s-80s where there were different time lines going on and it was a mess. I remember reading some of those issues as a kid with the different earths and timelines and getting confused.
I do love Kerschl’s art as well and I believe this is my first experience with Wolfram, she seems to be pretty good.
I think the next DC Universe Cartoon should be based on this story!
this book has been a huge suprise for me. I’ve been down on DC lately, but this book has re-ignited my interest in the DC myhos
@jstump, labor–Kerschl’s art is definitely the best thing about this book so far. I can’t stop gaping at the panels and pages.
I love Kerschl, it’s a shame he’s too slow to keep a monthly schedule.
There is no doubt that Kerschl is a big reasons why this series works so well. That isn’t to say the script is worthless, but the simple plot is synergistic with the wonderful art. It’s a perfect marriage.
I consider this to be my dessert when reading comics. Not something you want to fulfill your monthly itch, but something that’s sugary and fun that satisfies after your hefty meal. It’s just a fun book, but I think the steam would run out if it went monthly. Also, with a regular Teen Titans book and then the new Titans book coming out, I would think we may be at a good place with our Titans exposure.
This title is fantastic and I love Kerschl’s stuff. That said however I think this was the weakest of the series so far, it’s still a good un though.
I Don’t know if it’s just me, but these dont seem like TEEN titans they seem much younger, like 8 or 9. I have really enjoyed the series, but it seems like they get younger as eash issue comes out.
You found out the secret that will be found out at the end dun dun dun!^^
What a treat this comic is. Everything about this series is a joy to behold and I for one wish that this would be the regular Teen Titans series, putting that dour, joyless mess of a comic out of its misery.
I love this series, A LOT. I love seeing real young teens fighting like its the old days buy in present day. But this issue felt like everything suddenly ended, even thought I know its got two more issues, it felt like the pace just got shooken up a bit. I hope the ending of this ish blends well with the next, I don’t want any weird feelings of abruptness in story from my comics, especially with ones containing such great art.