Comic Books


It’s here! A new day dawns for the Teen Titans, brought to you by the dynamic duo of J.T. Krul (GREEN ARROW, BLACKEST NIGHT: TITANS) and Nicola Scott (WONDER WOMAN, SECRET SIX)! Packed with action, steeped in emotion and featuring your favorite heroes, TEEN TITANS is ready to explode off the racks!

Starting right here, the team finds itself pushed in new directions and brought to new heights while also rediscovering its roots. With the rise of a mysterious new threat called the Feral Boys, Superboy, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, Raven, Beast Boy and the newly returned Ravager will have the chance to rebuild their camaraderie in the face of all that might endanger it. But if they discover the truth behind the Feral Boys, will they be able to stand together to face it? Find out here as the new era of the Teen Titans begins in this perfect jumping-on-point issue!

Written by J.T. KRUL
Variant cover by ADAM HUGHES

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 2.6%


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Avg Rating: 4.3
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  1. J.T. Krul is a nice guy. I will be getting this issue for that reason.

  2. Nicola Scott rules, BTW.

  3. I have liked very little that J.T. Krul has written, but this actually looks pretty great. He and Nicola get at least 2 issues.

  4. JT Krul isn’t the worst writer ever, as some people like to say…sure, Rise Of Arsenal was a trainwreck and Green Arrow is highly mediocre, but keep in mind that this is all fallout from Cry For Justice, and if you have a rotten ingredient, then the main course is sure to taste rotten as well.

    I’m looking forward to this since I love Scott’s art and many of these characters I consider favorites, especially on a team together (Superboy is my homeboy).

  5. Here we go again. I’m ready to be heartbroken.

  6. I’ve been waiting for a good time to hop back on the TT wagon.  They’re what got me reading again.  I’m really looking forward to this!

  7. I hope this works–I like the TT and it’d be nice if they actually had a good book again. But, at the absolute worse it’ll at least be a book with MAD pretty art.

  8. just finished John’s entire run on titans…..if this starts out as strong as his it;ll be fun

  9. I toughed my way through Henderson’s run for this issue. Krul’s previous TT work has been really great. Hopefully this will be worth the 6 months of crap… 

  10. Really looking forward to this. My only fear is that we will get three great issues then we will start getting the issues with three or four inkers.

  11. The preview for this issue looked great.  I’m definitely checking this one out to see where it goes, and Scott’s art will be worth the price of admission.

  12. Had no plans to pick this up until I saw the preview art from Nicola Scott. This definitely gets a flip test in the store.

  13. I read the preview and this looks great. I’ve never read Teen Titans before, but I go what was going on.

  14. Hey, remember when Teen Titans was this awesome book about a group of incredibly well developed young characters fighting crime and growing up together, featuring clever dialogue and stunning art?

    Happy days are here again.

  15. Great issue. I know nothing about the Teen Titans, but I wanted to give it a shot with the new creative team. Happy I did. I knew nothing about the characters except for Super Boy, and B & R at the end, but I still found the book engrossing nevertheless.

  16. VERY well done start, this series is shaking the mediocrity that plagued it for the past while now. The art is flawless, and Krul is making the characters and dialog as engaging as when Johns was working on this title.

  17. Easily the surprise pick of the week.  The new Nicola Scott and Krul team seemed like a perfect point to jump back on and I wasn’t disappointed.  I genuinely can’t wait for next month’s issue.

    Also, Damian FTW. 

  18. This issue bored me. Great art as usual by Nicola Scott, but JT Krul’s story did nothing for me. High school chemistry teacher turned mad scientist villain just felt uninspired. I’ll be taking a pass on this one, but it looks like I’m alone on this one. You Teen Titans fans deserve a good run, so I hope you enjoy it.

  19. great read finaly a TT book that reminds me of the old days. this was my second favorite comic book back in the day( x-men was1) my favrite line is from batman, intruder, no i am a founding member, classic line

  20. I had some store credit so I picked this up…and damn I forgot how much I missed these characters. I’ll be picking this up for the foreseeable future

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