Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


Mart05/02/09YesRead Review
changingshades04/30/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 2.7
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  1. Ah, poop. I haven’t been reading this cross-over at all, so here’s to hoping I won’t be too lost.

    To anyone who’s been reading: Is it worth it to go back and check out the rest of the issues?

  2. hmmm i am reading and idk. its not bad but its not entirely great either…

  3. skip vigilante–waste of time

  4. TO kwisdumb:  The story has been good enough to get em’ all

      plus the 5- covers make one poster. 

  5. @kwisdumb

    Skip it. It isn’t bad, but the story is so straightforward there is no reason to waste the money. Jericho still bad. There you are all caught up.

  6. Eh, as I talked about before, I haven’t read any of this cross-over, so I don’t think it’s really fair for me to give a judgement. That being said, this was decidedly average. 2/5 all the way. I didn’t expect it to be any more (I actually expected to understand it less than I did), so I can’t really say that I’m disappointed. Really can’t wait until we get back on track with a non-crossover storyline, though.

  7. I like the addition of STATIC to the team, I do miss Robin. 

     I got a kick out of Static when he asked which FLASH are you?.   

     With Nightwing gone from TITANS and Robin out of TEEN TITANS and Vigalante not being that interesting in the firstplace, I’m cool with the crossOver, I am looking foward to getting past Jericho. 

    So far so good as far as crossovers go, cant wait to see what’s next.

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