Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.2%


changingshades05/30/09YesRead Review
cyberauron05/29/09NoRead Review
0and1805/28/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.7
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  1. Looking forward to this, though it’s been moving a little slow for my tastes. We’ll see.

  2. I’ve been loving New Krypton, and now that the Superwoman arc in Supergirl ended, I’ve decided to try the other three Superbooks.  That being said, this is probably the one I’m least interested in.

  3. This and Action Comics are on the brink of being dropped. Not that its a bad comic, just kind of mundane.

  4. SUPERMAN is definitely the weakest of the Superman books.  But I’m still somewhat intrigued by the story.

  5. I guess Daxamites aren’t buoyant.

  6. I loved last issue. There were so many plot threads; Mon-EL, Atlas, Parasite, Jimmy, it’s got me excited for what is to come. I really disliked Robinson’s writing at first but people were right when they said to bear with it.

  7. @sandgrounder: It really is amazing all of the interesting storyines that they are weaving in these books, and especially this one.

  8. Enjoying this but agree it is probably the weakest of the bunch thus far.

  9. Agreed that it’s the weakest. I also have little to no interest in Atlas. Still, at its worst Superman is still a really good comic, so I’ll keep on with this.

  10. Yeah only stick with this book if you are in it for the long run. I can see being dissapointed if you are expecting payoffs every issue. The story progresses just fine but the character points are what really makes this book for me.

    I would compare this to Babylon 5. A good show when taken season by season,  but when you go back and watch the first season again after knowing the end the meaning of so much changes.

  11. Good issue this week. The new revelation about Mon El will add some interest for me. I’ll stick around.

  12. I thought this was a really stellar issue, compared to the last few. It moved at a fair clip and I thought a lot happened. While it wasn’t the best thing I read this week, it was better than most of what I read. And it features my favorite scene in a comic this week, the two guards talking about their "Existential Crisis." While it’s a cliche a this point, it was an unexpected bit of comedy injected into the book. I thought it played off well. Also, I would suggested reading it with over the top New York or Chicago accents.

  13. I loved that bit too Prax. I also liked the opening page when Mon-El had that moment where he started flying again. There’s a lot of subtle humor to this book. In fact, the whole issue felt very European in its writing style.

  14. Great issue.  I guess i’m the only one that thinks this is the best of the super-books right now (well, excluding Supergirl).  I didn’t really like Robinson at first, but this just keeps getting better and better.

  15. This issue was fantastic.  I was blown by away by the art.  The full page of Les Deux Magots?  Fantastique!  Just so much great stuff.  (…98 seconds later)

  16. Surprisingly good– a big step up from prior issues– it really made me care about Mon-El, for the first time ever.

  17. This book really surprised me with how much I dug it–of all the titles I have been reading just because I got into New Krypton and am buying everything with the numbered crest on the cover, this series has been generally the weak one of the bunch.  But this time, it seemed like Robinson’s weird bolding must have been pointed out to him, for one thing, so the dialogue felt more natural, and this was such a quiet, lovely experience of Mon-El that really got me invested in him as a character.  It also sent me out looking for a French bakery, which is a good sign of a read that sticks with you.

  18. @magnum240. I agree, this is the best of the Super-books at the moment. I would even say better than Supergirl.

    I loved the scene with Squad K. nice to see them again.

  19. Count me on the list of those who think this is the best Superbook on stand right now. It will be a shame when Mon goes away.

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