Comic Books


Trapped in the twisted lair of the Hollow Men, Superboy, Psionic Lad and Simon must wage a desperate battle for the souls of Smallville!

Written by JEFF LEMIRE

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


carnivalofsins0007/09/11NoRead Review
TheNextChampion07/06/11NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.7
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  1. Nice cover by Kerschl.

  2. I never thought a Superboy book would be a must read. The last two issues have blown me away.

    Roll on Frankenstien Agent of Shade…and Animal. Right now I’d follow Lemire onto My Little Pony. When I finish reading my stack his stuff is always the thing I enjoyed most.

  3. I’m preety bummed this is getting the shaft.  I’ve really enjoyed Lemire’s run.  This is how Superboy should be…

  4. Ok, I’ll say it. I haven’t been enjoying this that much. I guess it just isn’t right for me.

  5. I would agree that it’s good, but I can see how Lemire’s writing/Gallo’s style might not catch everyone.  It has seemed a little slow moving to this issue, but I think all the previous storylines are tying together.

  6. Dropped it. I like Lemire but not Superboy and his cast. I will be reading Lemires Frankenstein. The Flashpoint tie in was great .

  7. This was the best issue of the series to date. There were a lot of twists and turns involved and most of them did surprise me. Plus this is Pier Gallo’s best issue to date with some wonderful panels and a gorgeous two page spread.


  8. @TheNextChampion  I completely agree. This is the first issue where Pier Gallo’s art looked right. It feels like the series has finally found it’s feet. Deosn’t matter now though. Oh well, looking forward to Animal Man

  9. @TheNextChampion  –yeah i agree with you. I jumped off this a while ago, but got sucked back in. I still don’t like Gallo’s art, but its much better. The writing has always been sweet…I mean it has the Phantom Mutherfrackin Stranger in it! really good story…nice all ages fun. Too bad its getting pulled into a black hole. 

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