Comic Books


“Abort evac. Suicide Squad…you’re on your own!”

After last issue’s harrowing mission, the covert Squad must “disappear” until Task Force X can safely (and secretly) extract them from the field. Can a team of super villain soldiers maintain a low profile in a small town?

Plus, another Squad member bites the dust – and King Shark eats a guy.

Written by ADAM GLASS

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.3%


Flash92311/14/11YesRead Review
Metamorphic11/09/11NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.9
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. Easily the best of the new 52!! Had me with a POW already on this and perhaps a POM!! The action and art have been very pleasing to me!! The background story which has been fun, Deadshot carrying a baby; hah!! Harley is even crazier now then she has ever been and just as hot!!

    Just sayin’,


  2. I don’t like it as much as Flash923 but I am enjoying the ride. Good book so far and I will give DC credit. If it weren’t for the new 52 big event month I would never have tried reading this.

  3. Harley’s still not back in her old costume, so I’ll continue to not buy this.

  4. I’m surprised by how much I like this book.

  5. I’m loving this book. It’s just dumb and fun. I don’t like all my comics like that but I can certainly squeeze in some.

    I’m not enjoying Arkham City like I enjoyed AA. I like need the game guide to figure out what I have to do next. Arkham Asylum wasn’t like that. It’s probably just me. I have problems with navigation in some games.

  6. King Shark eats a guy! Bwah-haha-haha-ha!! I love that description a lot for this weeks book, and another member of the group bites the dust! I wonder whom; Diablo?

    Just sayin’,


  7. WOW another really great issue-I’m having way to much fun with this book .Harley Quinn (looking really good) had some really great lines and I loved the reveal of the new team leader- AWESOME stuff -5/5 for me-This would have been my POTW if it wasn’t for Green Lantern

  8. After issue one, I thought “that was a well done first issue, introduced the whole team, set up the story. I probably won’t like this book, but its earned another shot.”

    After issue two, “not sure I like spending time with these characters, but good twist ending and the writer’s not afraid to shake things up. Will give it another shot, until it loses my interest.

    Issue three? Probably pick of the week, great ending, cannot wait to see where this is headed. I might be hooked now.

  9. I just can’t bring myself to drop this book! I really need to for budget reasons but damn it’s soo much fun! King Shark is quickly becoming my favorite. 4/5

  10. This is on my must have list. I loved the original series and I think this is one of the best of the new 52.

  11. I really like this book. The characters are really interesting and I don’t mind that Deadshot/Harley romance. I hope that the artwork improves a little. I like the character designs or I would say that I don’t think that they are the problem right now I just and not a fan of Richards/Staples on the art.

    Favourite parts;
    Mad Dog saying ” Nut up “… I love that line
    King Shark ” Found it ” just priceless

  12. I like this less than the last two issues, which I really loved, but I still give it a 4/5. The art is good, Harley is hot, the action is heavy, and King Shark continues to provide dark humor.

  13. Again another fine issue and POW for me just; edging out Grifter. I gave this a solid 5 all the way; the art is so under rated on this book it is an eye pleaser. The story and character development keep getting crazier and crazier, Boomer on board and King Shark found Mad Dogs button, Bwaah-haha-ha.

    Just sayin’,


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