Comic Books


Peter Parker and Miles Morales explore their strange connection in this reality-bending crossover where the Amazing Spider-Man meets the Ultimate Spider-Man!

Story by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Sara Pichelli
Cover by Jim Cheung, Marcos Martin, & Sara Pichelli

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 5.2%


Matrix06/29/12YesRead Review
buckmulligan06/29/12NoRead Review
blkassassin10606/27/12YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.2
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  1. I really liked the last issue. Really looking forward to this one as well. I hope it means that Peter teaches Miles all about the wrist web shooters.

  2. Is this shipping twice next month as well?

    If so, cool!

  3. You know i like this an all, but i think this mini would have been better served as an arc in USM.

  4. If I finish reading this today and literally nothing ends up happening I’m done with this mini, too many times I’ve read recent Bendis stuff (including The new Ultimate Spiderman) and it takes a few issues for barely anything to happen. I’m not a fan of condensed storytelling unless it’s top notch stuff

  5. Now we’re cooking. I have so many questions about Mysterio after this it’s not even funny

  6. Sara Pichelli needs to be drawing ALL the books.

  7. Wow this was WAY better than the first issue. Feel like there was a lot of meat in this! I’m on board now! 5/5 may even be my POTW

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