Comic Books

SPAWN #185

Price: $2.95
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


J4K311/06/08YesRead Review


  1. I feel dirty for even considering picking this up…

  2. @conor – Dear god why would you feel dirty? Spawn has been an excellent title for the last few years (I’ve been reading the current stuff since #166. Good stuff.). The new creative team really seems like a great boost on an already amazing title. Between McFarlane/Holguin (great writers) and Portacio (who rocked the house on Batman Confidential) what more could one want?

  3. I’m picking it up and will stick around a few issues.  I just hope my faith is rewarded.

  4. I have honestly been there since day one and I am eager and curious about the change.  David Hine did more for the book in 34 issues as writer than we had seen in the prior 150.  I am cautiously optimistic but I am there for this one. 

  5. glad to hear somebody else out there never gave up on spawn.  Totally agree with you @brikhed, hine did a great job with the book. curious to see the new direction.  good to see mcfarlane back on board too 

  6. (Looks at cover, then notices McFarlane is the writer)

    I wasnt aware that this is the year 1993 and not 2008.

  7. Never read Spawn before in my life, but I’ll give this a shot.

  8. @J4K3 – Portacio’s work on BATMAN CONFIDENTIAL made my eyes bleed.  I dropped the book because of it.

  9. @conor – It had it’s moments, but its all opinions anyway. I enjoyed it in a Jim Lee sort of way. I think if it looks dark enough, Portacio’s art could fit this book perfectly.

  10. Spawn was my first comic book I remember getting like 10 years ago. thought by now that i’ve outgrown this and i feel a little silly for saying this and i’ve missed out on the last 85 issues or so but i’m gonna give this one a try. At the very least it should be sentimental. I just hope he still isn’t whining about Wanda

  11. I was a little lost with this issue.

  12. thie issue was more like an epilogue to the past 184 issues – it was a nice start to the next step in the Spawn lore.

  13. This issue was dope.  I haven’t read Spawn since the mid-90s when it was king, but glancing through some of the recent issues, I haven’t been impressed.  This, however, was great writing. Too bad they didn’t go the whole hog in taking the book back to its roots and put McFarlane on pencils again.

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