Comic Books
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
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chewie810 | 10/10/08 | Yes | Read Review |
Aerodynamics | 10/08/08 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 3.9
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Batman vs Catman! I can not wait, but will be dissapointed if it happens in issue 3
I’m loving this book. This might be on top of my stack this week and this is a huge week for me so thats saying something.
@cyberauron – There is a preview up on another site that suggests that the fight (or at least a portion of it) takes place in this issue.
I’m taking this series month by month, I’m not totally commited yet…
#1 was all kinds of excellent.
Look at that cover. You don’t see color work, line work or composition like that!
I never heard of this team until I was hearing great reviews about the last issue. That being said, I finally found a copy of it today at another store!! After the second read, I got really excited over this book. If it keeps delivering then I will def stick around.
So do all of the six have a death wish?
I think they must really love money. Great issue I think. I found it off how Catman kept talking as if he and Batman were equals. And then that one line he says that really feels like something Batman would say to the Joker, (second panel in the third to last page) well…I think Catman thinks quite highly of himself don’t you? I giggled, it was good stuff.
@drakedangerz He does think highly of himself, because he is not a normal person. Catman considers himself the best hunter and he sees batman as his equal or the best prey.
Yeah I really thought it was kind of weird to see catman say that. All I could think about was the Killing Joke. It bothered me at first but then I thought about who was saying it. Just because catman says it doesn’t mean anyone (including the creative team) believes it. All it shows is that catman has a huge ego.
True. I should point out that I know nothing about these characters other than what these last two issues have stated (except for Bane). So I guess I just didn’t really know Catman’s way of thinking, although you can guess it in this issue the way he continually talks to Bats
Unfortunately, I didn’t really get much out of this issue. That may be due to the fact that I simply don’t care about any of the "main" characters in this book. I find Catman mildly interesting, but when the highlight of the book involves Batman discussing a burrito it is hard for me to give it more than a 3.
I missed the first issue last month and my book store has sold out, but I picked this up anyway and thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought it was accessible to a ‘noob’ and I was able to figure out who was who and what was going on. It’s a good fun book and I really loved the last page.
All I have to say is, "I had a burrito".
@Stuclach-the burrito line was the highlight of the book for you?? That sucks man, sorry you didn’t enjoy the rest of it. S’cool though if it isn’t for you
@drakedangerz – Let me first say that the art was fabulous.
Now, on to what I didn’t like: I haven’t really read much of Gail Simone’s stuff, but maybe there is just something about her style that doesn’t click for me. I had a hard time caring what happened in the prison scenes and the verbal sparring and fight between Catman and Batman seemed awkward. From Batman’s point of view it seemed like a waste of his time and there seemed to simply be no consequences. I know Catman was keeping him occupied, but Batman knows that too and just keeps "fighting". They amicably walk away after punching each other in the face for 10 minutes. Who does that?
I am glad you guys are enjoying this and I will take a look at the trade, but I don’t think this one is for me.
Oh yeah. One other thing. Who puts Cilantro on a Burrito? Batman is just asking for an Assplosion during his patrol.
@stuclach-I totally see your points and respect them, I ain’t no Gail Simone fanatic. In fact, this is her first book I have ever picked up. For me, it just clicked and I totally enjoy where its going. Heres to hoping the following books get even better!
Oh, and you don’t put cilantro in your burritos? You’re missing out. If I was going to be jumping around buildings and punching people, I would eat something a little lighter and less gassy myself. Maybe a sandwich…or just some JambaJuice. Bats is definetly a maverick
@Drake: Batmans John McCain? Oh no. It all comes together now!
Those mavericks are everywhere. Must be the Anti-life equation (that is the only thing keeping ole Johnny McC upright.) I wonder if he likes cilantro on his burritos.
@ wellthatsalrig Yeah, I totally imagined Christian Bale yell-growling that in his scariest batman voice.
@stuclach-Mavericks love burritos and horchata
What’s Cilantro? I had to look it up (We call it Corriander in Australia)
Question: Bane not using the venom anymore, is that an established thing or did gail just introduce that? If it is established where?
By the way, I loved it. I am on for as long as this lasts.
@g0ofgnewt-Really? I know of corriander seeds, but I didn’t know they grow up to be cilantro. Then again, the wife might have mentioned it and then I didn’t pay attention. Oh you crazy Aussies 😛
@Micahmyers-I think its a new thing. I could be wrong because I haven’t followed Bane’s exploits, but I think because of the steroid thing in prof. sports that they are trying to get around having characters using drugs to perform better. I think they even retconned the super solider syrum for Cap. America a while back
@Micahmyers I believe he stopped for a while. I can not remeber when, but back when he was a good/bad guy
@drakedangerz – Huh? They didn’t retcon the super soldier serum out of Captain America. Or Nick Fury.
@Conor-Sorry, I didn’t really explain what I meant. They didn’t make it so that he didn’t ever take the serum, just had some off explanation for it not seem like he just took some steroids. Nevermind, I don’t remember exactly what I read, so I’m just going to sound like an idiot if I try to explain it. I didn’t know Fury took one too, although it would totally explain why his old ass is still around.