Comic Books


In part 1 of “To Be a R.E.B.E.L.,” the clash between Vril Dox’s space cops and the Green Lantern Corps escalates to a place where war might become inevitable! And Lobo and the others never back down from a fight!

Written by TONY BEDARD

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.3%
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  1. This is on a bit of a downward trend but still a great book.

  2. i like bedard and vril dox so im still onboard

  3. Yea, REBELS has never gotten bad but it’s been kinda forgettable for a while now.  Sons of Brainiac was amusing but I barely remember the arc before that.  The supporting cast is all over the place.  The original lineup is no where to be seen and now we’ve got Lobo fighting Green Lanterns.  Meh.

    I want to support this book but it’s gotten to the point where I’m reading it out of habit, waiting for it to get better.

  4. I loved the Andy Clarke art. I can’t really get over St Aubin.

  5. @Stasisbat It was the whole New Rann/War with Blackfire thing that only lasted two issues. I totally agree that there was no need to bring the Green Lanterns into the book. And the art for the Lanterns has never been good. I think the low sales are finally hitting and DC is trying to "Fix" the book.

  6. Aaaand dropped. Sons of Brainiac was one of those wonderful stories where I literally didn’t care enough to remember what happened in the previous issue.

  7. This was a great issue of Green Lantern Corps. Too bad its supposed to be REBELS!

  8. I somewhat enjoyed this issue just because it brought up an important point – who are the Guardians of the Universe and the Green Lanterns to run around policing all of space.  Isn’t the voluntary private police force of LEGION more legitimate?  Bedard’s really been playing up Vril Dox as a PR master.

    @OnASunday – Agreed.  St. Aubin was a fine fill in at first but then Clarke never came back.  I understand this is a low selling book that likely has a tight budget and schedule so I don’t want to fault the guy too hard but the art is vanilla.  Too many barren panels with no backgrounds – makes the stories seem boring.

    @Minion – Yup.  We’ve got Starfire! We’ve got Lobo! We’ve got Green Lanterns!  Please read this book…

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