Comic Books



Frank makes a bold choice when he decides to go after a dirty cop on the Kingpin’s payroll. Having the psychotic assassin Bullseye hot on his trail is one thing, but can the Punisher hold off the entire NYPD as well?

WRITER: Jason Aaron
PENCILS: Steve Dillon
INKS: Steve Dillon
COLORED BY: Matt Hollingsworth
LETTERED BY: VC - Cory Petit
COVER BY: Dave Johnson

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 12.8%


FraggleUprising06/09/10NoRead Review
TheNextChampion06/09/10NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.4
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  1. Last issue was a big improvement from the last 2-3 before it. Mostly because Aaron writes an even crazier Bullseye (if that is humanly possible). Hope this is another solid issue.

  2. The arc has been hitting all the marks. 😉

  3. As much as I love Preacher and Hellblazer, I don’t want Dillon on this book.  I have to give him Kudos for being on time though.

  4. it wouldn’t be the second week without Punisher Max!

  5. The covers have been CRAZY!!!

  6. Loving this so much more than volume one, don’t care what you say…

  7. @robby The Ennis run?

  8. @vadmowens: Yeah, I never got past the fourth trade paperback though.  This run is just so much more fun for me.  Probably best not to ask why, but it just is…

  9. More fantastic writing by Aaron in this. I think he’s finally starting to get back into the swing of things with this title.

    Bullseye is still a fucking manic and his plan in this was so disturbing. Seriously fucked up…..Kingpin’s storyline is intriguing too, and I wonder if this issue hints that maybe he won’t be Kingpin for much long? Wish I could see more Castle though, his take on him is still not original nor is there a voice for him to set him from other writer’s. 

  10. The last issue of this was brilliant. The creepiest Bullseye ever. Hopefully this one will continue the nastyness.

  11. In this issue fingers, ears and a penis gets cut off. We see some big ole’ milf boobies. Couple kids get machine gunned down.


    So you know…the usual.

  12. This is such a great book with the wrong artist on it. I hope Dillon leaves soon. I love Dillon but the tone of this book just doesn’t fit his style. And yes…I know I’ve said this every issue since like issue 3…

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