Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 40.1%


changingshades05/16/09NoRead Review
TheNextChampion05/13/09NoRead Review


  1. How many people are wasted away in Philly every day? Let alone ever hour.

    I want this creative team to stay on this title in the worst way. Of course if the rumors of Jason Aaron and Steve Dillion taking over at #75 is false.

  2. I think I’m switching to trades after this issue.  This book has really dropped off since Ennis left. 

  3. @Brandon: But Jason Aaron….Steve Dillion….5 issues to go. Eh?

  4. Reading these "in between" arcs would make sense in trades.  They’ve all been written in a pulp novel sorta way.  Aaron is a guy that definitely writes for the issue so if he is coming on as regular writer, it should be a great monthly book.

  5. Holy Shit!!! i hope this cover actually happens! If Frank doesn’t have four giant needles in his back by the end of this issue i’m writting an angry letter to Marvel! God Damn it!!!

  6. @Brandon – Word up. I never realized how much I liked Ennis Punisher MAX until he left the book. It’s probably my favourite comic book of the last 5-10 years, or at least the one I looked forward to reading most … & now it’s gone. *sniff*

  7. I would to love to see Aaron on this.  However, I never liked Dillon on the Punisher stuff, despite how much I enjoyed him on Hellblazer and Preacher.  Maybe Marvel colouring ruins him.

  8. I’ve enjoyed Swer…Swiercin…Duane on this title. Hope he has a chance for another story arc.

  9. @TNC – I expect Aaron will be good.  But I still think it’ll be better in trades.  

  10. @Brandon: I see no reason why you’d want to be in trades for Jason Aaron. But I guess I cant force you…

  11. @TNC – I’m confused (it happens a lot) — Aaron *IS* taking over at #75, or it’s a rumour? If he is writing, I’m definitely back on board, his Christmas one-shot was awesome. He looks like he has the voice down for this character.

  12. If I were a Punisher fan I’d totally love these. The covers are making this a very nice single issue collection!

  13. @Wade: It isnt confirmed, at least I dont believe it is. It’s gonna be 5 months til #75 comes out so we’ll see…

    This was my POTW by a narrow margin. Duane S. has a perfect voice for Castle; and the art is perfect to boot.

  14. What I liked about this issue the most was in (again) the characterization.

    Duane S was able to get inside the mind of Castle a little bit more then average writers. Those couple of pages where Castle is slowly closing his eyes…I felt a bit happy for him, and he felt happy dying as well. When he wakes up and realizes he’s been cured; he seemed more depressed then happy being alive. The one line that I will remember is:

    ‘And then I wake up and see that I’m still in Hell’

  15. He could’ve used post-it notes instead, but I guess the MAX in the title would be meaningless.

  16. Maybe it’s just me, but even if the middle of an arc of this book lags, the final chapter is always outstanding.  This goes from the Ennis stuff even to the fill-ins.  It may be too perfect that Frank always wraps things up in a neat little package.

  17. Oh crap, I keep forgetting to buy this book b/c I don’t usually get Punisher titles!

    Well, the upside is that I’ll go tomorrow to the shop where the dude doesn’t know it’s a $4 book and sells it to me for 3.

  18. ^I hate continuously realizing I am buying $4 books.  I really had no idea until reading that post.

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