Comic Books


Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.2
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  1. ASS

  2. i thought this book started some cable themed backup that will run across all the xbooks 

  3. Too much ASS? If we look inside ourselves, I think we all know the answer is yes.

  4. Still gonna get this book tho. I love Harvey Tolibao and "The artist formerly known as Chris" Christopher Yost. Hopefully they can take a totally screwed up character and make us care. MAKE US CARE YOST! MAKE US CARE!

  5. I love Psylocke, but if this looks like it sucks when I flip through it, I’m gonna pass. I’m trying to think positively though.   I don’t think anyone has really known what to do with Elisabeth since she was initially put into Kwannon’s body by Claremont.  That’s pretty sad.

  6. for god’s sake put some clothes on.

  7. "I wish my caboose wasn’t so big on the billboard."

    "Works for the Lumber King"

    "…..Lumber…..Need Lumber"

    (This cover reminds me of that Simpsons joke)

  8. I liked the book. The art was pretty solid. The first issue at least made me care about what happened to Pyslocke and her former body. I thought the storyline with Psylocke in Xmen was interesting, if not a little convoluted. I hope this clears some things up and really puts the character front and center in the Xmen universe.

    What’s up with the backstory? Aren’t we following cable and the "mutant" (I don’t know what her name is since I’m not reading Cable)?

  9. Psylocke is back cool!

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