Price: $3.50
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.3%


NinjaWizard2307/11/12YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.2
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  1. great book! Sad it’s going away for a little bit.

  2. Hey everyone! This is the final issue of The Great Escape arc. Lots of huge moments in this issue with some answers people have been waiting for, plus a little something to tie it all together as we head into issue #6 this September!

    Thanks for the continued support of our series. Because of our fans we’ll be able to do more arcs and tell our complete story. We’re very grateful.

    Meanwhile, here’s the 5 page preview:

  3. this is the main book i can’t wait to get this week.. and that says a lot considering how many books im excited for this week…batman & robin, Chew, Punk Rock Jesus, Spider-Men, Wild Children.. craziness

  4. My LCBS didn’t have this this week! But another one a little away had one copy, hopefully my questioning of why they didn’t have it will make them order in a couple of copies next issue that comes out.

    Despite the excess travelling though this was excellent.

  5. Cautiously optomistic about this series being upgraded into an ongoing, especially after the incredible Green Wake was taken from us, but hopefully this series will be able to reach its full run.

    Wiebe has become a creator to watch out for, and this series has continued his great track record of creatively successful projects.

  6. Another solid issue, I enjoyed the present day narrative that hints we will now be moving to another former lost boy to recall the next chapter of the story. And again, not sure if it is just my iPad bringing it out, but I adore the coloring in this series! Very excited to continue the story in September! But hey, we still have Grim Leaper for the time being, right Kurtis?

  7. If anyone needs a fix of “French Resistance” story to get them through to September, I watched a french film called “Army of Crime” on Netflix Instant this weekend. It’s about a group of immigrants to France (Jews, Armenians, Spanish, Italians) who form a resistance cell in occupied Paris and give the Nazi’s a tough time. You’ll recognize the lead actor from Casino Royale. Good movie.

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