With Calais in the early stages of occupation, Peter and the boys discover a squad of captured British soldiers. Seeing an opportunity to get a ticket to London by saving them, they engage in a dangerous game of espionage that ends with a deadly showdown.

Story by Kurtis J. Wiebe
Art by Tyler Jenkins

Price: $3.50
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


kingdomofevan03/17/12YesRead Review
akamuu03/13/12NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.0
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  1. Hello everyone!

    Man, am I excited for you to read issue #2! Very inspired by films like Dirty Dozen, this episode the Lost Boys find themselves engaging in a daring rescue operation in the middle of war torn Calais.

    Broken Frontier says it’s a Must Have this week:

    And, a little peak at one of my favourite panels of the issue:

    An advance review!

    And finally the 5 page preview!


    • Oh yeah, I chatted with Ifanboy at Image Expo about the series. Here’s the link (Think I’m in at about the 6 minute mark)

    • Just finished issue 2.. .. had to wait for the reprint of issue 1. Just fyi i loved it. Looking forward to a long run. Better than most of the books i read.. and i have a huge pull list. Just finished green wake too.. but i prefer peter panzerfaust. Thanks for writing/creating this. Oh and i saw someone commenting on how nazi’s are overused. I think thats ridiculous. Cops are overused. Superheros are overused. Vampires are overused. Nazi’s are used about as much as they should be HA.

  2. Really enjoyed the first issue and can’t wait to grab issue #2. Great premise and the art style fits perfectly with the fun writing. This will definitely be on top of my stack!

    • Wicked! There is some crazy action in this upcoming issue. Even more fun than the first issue, I think, but with more time spent on the characters.

  3. I’ve reread the first issue a few times since and I think it got better each read.

    I am really looking forward to the next issue.

    • That’s awesome, very glad to hear it warranted numerous read throughs. Makes it worth the investment of your hard earned dollars. Thanks for taking a chance on the series!

    • Thanks for the story. Good luck with the series, I hope you get to tell the whole thing.

  4. What’s up my man curtis? I’m all over this like a rainbow on an oil slick.

  5. The first issue was great! Even with books like Saga and Thief of Thieves coming out, this isn’t at all overshadowed by those books for me!

  6. Really looking forward to this. I loved #1 but felt it would have benefited from being slightly longer. I guess that means I’m dying for more!

    • The abrupt ending was one of the common complaints, so I’ve made sure it doesn’t happen again. Glad to know you want more of the series, I promise to keep the adventurous spirit alive!

  7. The first issue showed promise, though i was not a big fan of the art and the story ended to abruptly. I’m feeliong that this might be one that will read better in trade.

    • Hey, I’ll take any kind of support you’re willing to give us. Thanks for the honest opinion! (Yes, Issue 1 did end abruptly, not the case with #2, can promise that.)

  8. Between being on this site and on reddit, you, Mr. Kurtis Wiebe sir, are the coolest creator ever.

    I showed issue one to my professor of military history who’s focus is on the Wehrmacht and he got a huge kick out of just the title.

    Issue 1 was stellar and I am with this book all the way!

    • Hey, thanks for the very kind words! Glad your prof loved the title, though I’m sure he mentioned that the weapon on the cover for #1 was a panzershrek, not a panzerfaust. Funny thing, we knew that, just thought it looked cooler. 🙂

      Issue #2 ratchets things up AND we get to know these characters a little better. Hope you enjoy it!

  9. Alright I loved the first issue and normally I would wait for trade on something like this but i’m scarred if I don’t support it monthly I may not see anymore than this first arc. I’m on board sadly I have to dethrone Aquaman from my pull list in order to fit this in my budget but i’ll catch up with Arthur and Mera in trades/digital sales later.

  10. Loved the crap out of #1 and have passed it along to the few comic friends I have and talk it up in the shop whenever I can. I’m very happy to support this book monthly and really hope we get the full 30 (or more…)! It’s kind of unfair for any book to come out the same week as SAGA #1, but if things go well for PP I will be ecstatic to have this and SAGA come out on the same week for the next few years. Big ups to Mr. Wiebe for the interaction, that’s pretty cool.

  11. Loved loved loved issue #1. I rarely re-read comics, even when reviewing for my site. I read #1 three times in one day, and told my fiancee and all my friends how awesome it was.

    Also, Mr. Wiebe, thanks for retweeting my review, twice even. I hope it helped move some copies. 🙂

  12. Man did I love that first issue!!! Read it a couple of times already and cannot wait for more. This and Saga are my two most anticipated books this week.

  13. i jumped on this after listening to the dont miss pod cast i was a few weeks behind the release date so was lucky to pick up a 1st print at my LCB – and wow it was awesome the subtle references of peter pan the action scenes the build up the art work all work very well together but you know what realy tips it is the way Kurtis J. Wiebe replys to the fans on this forum as he is now and how he did on issue 1. just shows the careing touch and that connection with the readers my hat of to you kurtis i realy hope this series is on – going after the 1st arc and encourage every one to continual to buy

  14. Great 2nd issue. Really starting to like Peter and his team

  15. Thanks again for all the support and kind words.

    I just want to say this.

    Next issue, we’ve got something that will Hook you. 🙂

  16. Haha awesome! 🙂 Can’t wait!

  17. Unfortunately I was not as captured by this issue as the last, but I’ll stick with it and see what next issue will bring. Also I’m having some issues with the art, where most of the boys look identical in the face, their only characteristic being their hairstyles. I would’ve preferred more recognizable visual traits than that.

  18. Awesome series. I can’t wait until Hauptmann Hook shows up.

  19. Hmm, was thinking of waiting for the trade or hardcover, but with all these positive comments I just might pick these first issues this week 🙂

  20. I’m obsessed with this comic

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