iFanboy Video Podcast

iFanboy #242 – Image Expo 2012 (Part One)

Show Notes

We’re back with more interviews from Image Expo 2012 which took place in Oakland, CA at the end of February. We spoke with some of the amazing talents behind some of Image Comics’ best titles…

Jonathan Hickman

In this interview, we discuss his upcoming titles The Manhattan Projects and Secret, as well as how his schedule is looking this year and some advice for up and coming creators regarding design.

Kurtis Wiebe

After an explosive debut with Peter Panzerfaust, we chat with the prolific writer to get more info about what went into the World War II tale of Peter Pan, as well as discussing wrapping up Green Wake and his plans to launch Debris and Grim Leaper.

Marc Silvestri

Celebrating 20 years of Image Comics is quite an accomplishment, and we talked with one of the Image Founders and founder of Top Cow, Marc Silvestri. Silvestri shares stories with us about what the formation of Image was like, what his goals with Top Cow have been and just a general love of comics.

Jay Faerber

One of my favorite books of 2011 was Near Death, so any opportunity to chat with writer Jay Faerber about it is always a good time. We also talk about his work on the TV show Ringer.

Ed Brubaker

One of the biggest launches this year has been Fatale from Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips. We catch up with Brubaker to talk about Fatale’s origins, what’s to come from the series, what his thoughts are around creator owned titles and advice for up and coming creators.


Get Involved

Doing the podcast is fun and all, but let's be honest, listening to the 2 of us talk to each other can get repetitive, so we look to you, the iFanboy listeners to participate in the podcast! "How can I get in on the fun?" you may ask yourself, well here's how:

  • E-Mail us at contact@ifanboy.com with any questions, comments or anything that may be on your mind.

Please don't forget to leave your name and where you're writing from and each week, we'll pick the best e-mails to include on the podcast!


  1. Awesome video! I love this continued Image coverage, and I can’t wait for more! Lots of great creators here.

  2. Image Expo was really cool. The “writing comics” panel was the most insane panel I’ve ever seen, “everything you just said makes me want to vomit all over this table! Take that book you’re reading and throw it out the f**king window!” – Joe Casey in response to a question about a writing tip in a book. The last con I went to was the big one in San Diego and it was really nice to hit a small con. All the creators were really nice and they took the time to talk to you. Royden Lepp, creator of “Rust” might be one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met at a con. I saw Ron literally running around the convention floor, I was going to say ‘hi’, but he just looked so damn busy. Me and my friend actually make an appearance in this vid during the Kurtis Wiebe interview, I’m the supper awesome guy in the red shirt(Yay! I’m famous!)….Anywho, good times, hope they do another one next year!

    OH! And it’s good to see the video show back(sort of)!

  3. Marc Silvestri gettin’ all philosophical up in this bitch.

  4. Damn, Silvestri is a giant. Ron is at least 6 feet, so Silvestri must be like 6’8”. It was odd seeing Ron dwarfed like that. Good thing Josh didn’t do the interview. That would just be cruel.

  5. Great interviews, Ron! Really enjoyed Silversti and Wiebe.

  6. Shout out to Ron for holding the mic up for almost 15minutes straight during the Sylvestri interview.

  7. Um, is it just me or is there no direct download link?

  8. Those were great interviews; and I make a nice appearance standing in the background of the Wiebe interview, for a really long time too ; )

  9. I have a newfound respect for Marc SIlvestri. As a child of the 90’s, I’ve always had a softspot for his style/work, but I’ve never met him or heard him speak. Seems like a helluva nice guy. After all these years he still loves what he does. I respect that.

  10. Wiebe’s Peter Panzerfaust & Faeber’s Near Death sound great. Going to pick them up. I already read Bru’s Fatale which is his best writing ever.

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