Comic Books


After the horrifying events of BLACKEST NIGHT, Katana and Black Lightning are dispatched to deal with a terrifying disturbance on the open seas. Meanwhile, Geo-Force is recalled to Markovia to handle affairs of state. But when Prince Brion makes a deal with a certain Kryptonian to join the team, the Outsiders find themselves cast as enemies in the eyes of the world!

Don’t miss the debut of the all-new creative team of DCU Executive Editor Dan DiDio and hot artist Philip Tan (BATMAN AND ROBIN, GREEN LANTERN)!

Written by Dan DiDio
Art by Philip Tan and Jonathan Glapion
Cover by Philip Tan

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


  1. Here’s hoping against hope, that this is good.

  2. I wonder if this will be any good. Didio, as a writer, is pretty uneven for me. So him doing a (somewhat) big title is a bit daunting.

  3. Phillip Tan?!!!!! Count Me in!!!!!!

  4. To be fair, none of DiDio’s recent writing projects for DC have been bad, they just haven’t been particularly GREAT. I’ll give this issue a shot.

  5. who wants to be fair?

  6. Yep this sucked..  Off my pull list..

  7. I take it back, this was terrible.

  8. Wow, this was bad. I’ve read outsiders for a while now, but this is not good at all. I’m not even remotely interested in continueing this series. Officially dropped.

  9. I like Dan for the direction he has taken the DCU, and I love Dan at conventions, but his writing is amateurish, his dialogue is weak, and I hate the fact that I’m dropping the Outsiders, but buh bye.

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