Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


JoshSHill04/07/08NoRead Review
Brandon204/06/08NoRead Review
chewie81004/04/08YesRead Review
Neb04/02/08NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.9
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  1. I really dig this cover!

  2. I can’t wait to read this issue.  It’s going to be the big brother/little brother road trip.  It’s going to be great.

  3. is this a good issue to hop on or not??

  4. @nuclearman – Well, it’s in the middle of an arc… you could try.  Or see if your store has the last few issues.

  5. thanks conor .. i’ll do that.

  6. I started reading this title at the beginning of this arc. I don’t read much DC but it was pretty easy to jump into. For me it is something fun and different and I have enjoyed it so far.

  7. This arc has been, without a doubt, the highlight of my last few months.  I never thought I’d be enjoying Nightwing, yet, here we are, with me posting my love.  What a crazy world.

    I think Tim and Dick doing the buddy thing will be great and Talia always mixes things up.  Should be good.

  8. @nuclearman – I jumped on at issue 140 on Conor’s recommendation, and it’s been nothing short of fantastic so far. I never read Nightwing before, but damn is this a good Batbook! Can’t wait for this one!

  9. Just wanted to chime in my agreement.  Nightwing is such a great character and I can’t wait to find out where this arc is going.  Hopefully Tomasi is going to stick around for a while and really set some foundations for our favorite Robin….Dick Grayson!!

  10. Quick question: why do two of the DCU’s best hand-to-hand fighters, who can take on whole rooms filled with heavily armed bad guys need taser guns? lol.

    Apart from that very minor thing, I loved this issue and the direction this title seems to be going in. Finally some respect for Dick Grayson??? Whodathunkit?

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