Comic Books

NATION X #4 (OF 4)

All the pieces fall into place as this final issue concludes with a bang! Namor has never taken orders from anyone before, so why does he take them from Cyclops? Where does Emma get all those Jimmy Choo’s? And when a mystery strikes Utopia, who does Cyclops send to solve it? DOOP!

WRITER: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, Ivan Brandon, Joe Caramagna & Peter Milligan
PENCILS: Mike Allred, Niko Henrichon & Harvey Talibao
COVER BY: Phil Jimenez

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.0
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  1. You know what I miss? Milligen and Allred’s X-Force/Statix-X.

  2. I’m sorry but what the hell is that thing on the cover? 

  3. @thenextchampion  That’s Doop.  He was in the aformentiond X-Force/X-Statix

  4. Doop is a character that lives somewhere between parody and official X-continuity. His powers are ill defined, but are apparently significant. He has a long history with Wolverine and only speaks Doopspeak, for which there is a translation: 

  5. There was also a character called Daap that Polaris and Havok encountered right after House of M. I think Havok actually blasted it apart. Shits fuckin crazy.

  6. OK…according to wikipedia Doop and Daap are the same being.  Dont know when it was established but there ya go.

  7. I really need to actually learn my lesson about buying mini-series…


  8. this series has been too fucking good for even Doop to ruin

  9. I have a feeling that Doop is a Allred design. Especially since you guys said it came from that particular series.

    Is X-Statix any good? I’ve heard great things about it. 

  10. @TNC – Very cheeky, I feel like I was supposed to read a lot of the meta-commentary on the industry while simultaneously rolling my eyes (which was fine in some places, a little too much in others. I suspect your reaction to that is determined by what you think of the conventions they make fun of). Humorous though, several laugh aloud moments (I can’t tell you how rare that is for me and a comic), and beautifully illustrated (but Allred is one of my favorites). The best series IMO was the miniseries featuring Dead Girl and Dr. Strange palling around in hell.

  11. I loved X-Statix, but I don’t think it is the sort of series with a broad appeal. If you like Allred art (and yes, Doop is his) and the idea of a series of adventures that mock comic book heroes, their tropes, the industry, the fans, and the X-Universe in particular, you would like X-Statix. The weirdest thing about the series is that it came right out of X-Force (it was still called X-force for 14 issues). The typical fan still reading X-Force at issue 115 and the typical Mike Allred/Pete Milligan fan did not have a lot of initial crossover. The comic basically said, "Hey you, who has been reading this for 115 issues. Your taste in comics sucks. Let me show you how ridiculous and shallow what you like is."  

  12. I do not understand what people like about Allred’s art; I *hate* it. Wost part of this issue.

  13. Other than the first issue, almost all of these stories were pretty forgettable in my opinion.  Kinda wish I had a DeLorean so I could tell myself to stop after number 1.

  14. Why was Surge on the cover? Was she even in the book?  Too bad, though I was glad to get a little more on the Cuckoos.

  15.  "I do not understand what people like about Allred’s art; I *hate* it. Wost part of this issue."

    I think people who like Allreds art, like it because it reflects a classic 60’s style. If you like Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, or John Romita Sr. you are probably going to like Allred. What I don’t understand is why certain people are so intent on everything looking like some 90’s Image comic where everything has to be ultra detailed/bulging biceps/breast implanted female characters. There are always a lot of complaints in the letters column of Amazing Spiderman to the same affect (with there current revolving door of artists). Obviously Marvel doesn’t share your opinion. There is room for many different styles of art in comics. I myself am happy for that fact.  

  16. I really enjoyed the New X-men vs. Warpath. It was goofy, but reminded me of the New X-men series that was so good before they replaced it with New Mutants (I refused to acknowledge the existence of any title with initials Y.X. That abomination never existed). Doop was fun, but mostly for the sake of X-Statix nostalgia. I suppose this is par for the course for anthology comics, but if you could cut out half the blah/awful stories this would have made an amazing 2-3 issue series.

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