Sexica and her Werewolf boyfriend Nikoli travel across a sci-fi, fantasy Russia smoking singing cigarettes.

Meanwhile the organ hunter Nura is sent out with a severed head and instructions to find its body.

Story by Brandon Graham
Art by Brandon Graham
Cover by Brandon Graham

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 13.8%


akamuu10/23/12NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.6
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. So fucking hyped for this!

  2. Yeah buddy! I missed out on Prophet in issues, so I am stoked to get in on this at the ground level (well, sort of ground level).

  3. This was a swing and a miss for me. It has glimmers that are interesting but just a bit too bogged down in trying to be more clever than it really is. Sort of a Tank Girl/juvenile vibe all around. The art can be fun and quite good at times while terrible at other points. I like quirky or odd comics, but there just wasn’t much here for me personally, it may be someone else’s cup of tea though.

    • I went into my comic shop and saw this in the back with all the other independent comics and was instanty mesmorized by the artwork. This was the only comic book I walked out with (so PotW). I agree that the story lacked any pull, but the artwork sold me instantly. Glad I bought this in the end.

  4. Feel just like King City and couldn’t be happier. I can’t wait for the next issue totally my PotW.

    • i wanted to check out king city but i’m not sure reading a whole tpb like this. (not sure i even enjoyed reading 1 issue)

    • Brandon Graham’s comics need to be appreciated for what they are. No need to sit down and bang through a story, more like chill out and see what kind of craziness was put on the page for us to laugh at. King City is a cool story, and last time I looked the trade was very reasonably priced. Definitely worth a look, even if its just for the xombie war and chalk scenes, oh and all the cat tricks, or Pete’s house…I read it in monthlies and loved it.

    • Yea, that is how I feel. No idea of a larger story, but transfixed by the page. Lot’s o’ craziness and creativity. It sort of reminds me of the 60’s, Zapp psychadelic comics of old. Just tons of detail, strangeness, sex, drugs, jokes all over the page. Beautiful for what it is. But certainly not everyone’s bag. I loved it.

  5. Where can I get the original that was put out by Oni Press?

    • While waiting for this to come out I looked around for it. If memory serves me right, there are only 2 issues, and I saw them on eBay once, for like $30 or something crazy.

  6. If I could give this eleven stars, I would give this eleven stars. Per page. (Of which there are 32 – of wall-to-wall comic booking awesomeness.)

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