Comic Books
After a decade of working together to overcome everything that stood against them, fractures begin to form between the scientists of the Manhattan Projects.
Story by Jonathan HickmanArt by Nick Pitarra
Price: $3.50
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.0%
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theWillingwell | 08/10/13 | Yes | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 4.5
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Woot! Feels like forever since the last issue! I must have more!
I was thinking the same thing :p
Me too!
Very pleased that this is out, gonna be a marathon month of Hickman goodness!
Final page of the last issues was one of the most memorable final pages this year. Looking forward to more!
I wish the trades showcased the covers. Maybe in the future they’ll put out a deluxe edition with all of them in it.
I am so wishing for a nicer collected version to be released!
I don’t usually go for those but I’d definitely consider a nice hardcover edition that collected these covers.
Does Nick Pitarra do the cover art or is it someone else? Either way, kudos to them.
@lobster: Pretty sure it’s Hickman. He has a background in graphic design.
I love these covers, but I think a collection would be kind of dull. Flipping through them would getting boring real fast. A poster might be nice.
Hickman was my thought as well.
@WheelHands To be more clear, I would still want the story inside, but with the covers preceding the original issue published. So like a hardcover similar to the Y the Last Man Deluxe Editions.
Oh! I gotcha. Well in that case, I agree 100%.
Great work as always by Hickman and Pitarra .Lots of great designs from Pitarra and the colors by Bellaire, as usual, was top notch. This series has always been stuck in the ‘So good it’s hard to talk about’ mode. But there’s no denying it’s still an amazing series.
Definitely agreed. Every time this book comes out it’s very good, so it’s hard to get excited about even yet another very good issue. Which makes me feel kind of spoiled. The last one I remember being above even the series’ very high average in my opinion was the trip through Oppenheimer’s mindscape.
Wonderful as always.
Another time jump, eh? Feels like we just had one. I’m gonna assume that means Hickman has some very big ideas he wants to get to, and that’s a really exciting possibility.
At this point, I feel confident in saying that Einstein and Feyman are my two favorite characters, and having them pretend up just fills me with glee.
Feynman sure is cool, but I have to say that I also find the creepiness of Oppenheimer to be weirdly fascinating.
Oppenheimer is the star of this series for me, but with Einstein a close second, and the rest not far behind. It’s a really bizarro fun series.
Oh, for sure, Oppenheimer is a brilliant character. I just love the dynamic of Einstein and Feynman together. It’s made for some of the most entertaining moments of the series.
*Also, that supposed to be “team up”, not “pretend up”. Autocorrect.
Mistuh Pwesident needs his medicine. Poor Yuri and Laika. Loving this book! Kill them. Eat them. Okay.