Fan-favorite LEGION writer Paul Levitz returns to the 31st century super team he made supreme with an all-new intergalactic era! This exciting series picks up on threads from Geoff Johns’s “Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes” storyline and creates its own all-new ones, including a Green Lantern Corps tie-in and the destruction of a major planet! Rocket on board here as Levitz and rising star artist Yildiray Cinar (TEEN TITANS) revitalize one of DC’s most beloved franchises starting with an oversized first issue with a Variant cover by superstar artist Jim Lee!

Written by PAUL LEVITZ
Variant cover by JIM LEE

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 2.0%


XsandOhs05/22/10NoRead Review
NOK05/20/10NoRead Review
Evangelion1105/20/10YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.8
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  1. Not down with these characters.

    Other than Brainiac.

  2. I think I pulled this because there’s a green ring on the cover, and that makes me feel ashamed.

  3. Loves me some Legion!

  4. I’ve never read Levitz’ Legion run, and really only know them from Johns’ useage of them in Action Comics and the Final Crisis tie-in and the cartoon and dug them. Definitely curious to see what happens. 🙂

  5. I’m with dark knight, from recent tales I’m going to take a punt. The legion have always been a group I wanted to like and with a lantern ring on the cover which I’m thinking refers to sodam yat from johns story. I think it was that character. Anyways im onboard for the first arc probably.

  6. Looking foward to this new series! I hope Levitz will deliver.

  7. I’m picking this up solely because of Yildiray Cinar. That dude can draw.

  8. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. the legion is hokey and goofy, but damn i love them, instant pull… at least for the first issue

  10. Is this coming with a ring? Cuz if it does I’m totally getting this.

  11. @winthewonderboy rumor is that you get a legion ring. The flash ring was awesome looked so much better than the GL rings

  12. I’m giving this a try.  I’ve only read one Legion issue previously and that was from the 90’s

  13. I’m down. Johns had me hooked on the Legion from both his Superman stories, so it’ll be cool so follow these characters some more.

  14. Note, the green lantern ring is on the middle finger …

  15. OK…This may be the last time I try Legion.  I’ve never been able to get into it, kinda like Thai food.

  16. What?! Thai food is sweet and delicious! Peanuts, coconut milk, fragrant spices… dammit, now I am hungry.

    Now if this Legion story came with free Thai food, that would beat the crap out of any stupid old ring.


  17. My one question, Will they be giving out a Legion Ring?

    Because I’m a whore for those DC rings. 

  18. Hope this one sticks for more than a couple of years before they reboot it again.

  19. That is one kick-ass cover concept l:)

  20. @ironcladmerc    Me 2!!!  I get a headache trying to keep it all straight.  I have issues from the original continuity, 5 years later, Legionnaires (Batch 6?), Zero Hour, Supergirl & era, and Johns recent Legion. 

    And people think the X-Men are complicated…

  21. My only taste of the Legion so far has been the backups in Adventure Comics #1-5 and Superman: Secret Origin #2. But if the Brainiac in this one is as cool as the Brainiac in REBELS, I’ll be all over it.

  22. Will this tie in to the Legion’s appearance in the Superman books? I haven’t been following that since WoNK.

  23. Paul Levitz writing the Legion again…. all is right with the world!  AWESOME!

  24. I had a great time with this, but must admit it had to be pretty hard to follow for new readers

  25. @magnum240

    Was it ever…

  26. I just noticed something about that cover… Who wears their rings on that part of their finger?

  27. You know… this didn’t hold my interest. It wasn’t bad but… I just can’t read it. And it’s sad because I loved the Waid Legion and the stuff Johns had been doing. 3/5.

  28. I wanted to like this I really did. I just can’t. It just doesn’t do anything for me.

  29. I’ve been a casual Legion reader at best, but I really liked this.

    Relatively straightforward (I’m a DC fan, your mileage may vary) and nicely plotted and paced.

    The art was good, but seemed a tad inconsistent in spots.

    I’m on board for the long haul.

  30. Wonderful.

  31. The REAL POW!

  32. @JoeCom: same. I got all the GL rings save for the yellow (still a-lookin’)

  33. @ScorpionMasada: O= how can you NOT be down with guys named Earthman and LightningLad? Not to mention SaturnGirl who’s a gallavanting single mother when she should be raising her kids XD.

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