“The Rise of Eclipso” continues as the JLA and the villainous lord of darkness have a showdown on the dark side of the moon!

Art and cover by BRETT BOOTH and NORM RAPMUND
Variant cover by DAVID MACK

Price: $2.99
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  1. Pretty excited for this issue, I like the Eclipso arc goin on right now and the art has been great, let’s get this Doomsday stuff over with already and stop takin up half of one of my favorite books with a garbage story.

  2. Booth’s art is definitley an upgrade over the past year’s worth of issues. Still waiting for Starman quality Robinson to show up.

  3. @kcekada  How much longer you think we have to wait?

  4. Great artwork and the Eclipso story arc is very good and right now I have not noticed for the first time that these are the second or third string characters in DC’s flagship book!! I lied, now I am angry again…this is supposed to be the big guns in this book not some back alley characters!! Look at the JSA comic; it has the main characters in it and then builds around them with others. Why oh why does rthis continue to happen to the JLA?? It is a sad sad situation here that we can not get the right characters in this book and leave them there!! I do like the story arc and the art I just miss the good old days when JLA was the JLA not the Flee Market version!~!!!


  5. Ok…so I’m not disappointed in this issue, however…who the F*%@ is going to stop Eclipso, is this dude the most powerful villain in the comic universe or what?? He can posess Jade, amongst other powerful JLA members and some non-JLA members (made red tornado his bitch with the quickness) but Donna Troy walks away unscathed? James Robinson…you got some splainin’ to do….but I can’t wait to see how this arc turns out.

  6. @Flash923 You have a great story and great art, but you’re upset because its not the Big 7?   Grant Morrison and others have already done the Big 7, in some of the best most amazing mindbending stories ever. Superman and Batman have so many books between them, its ridiculous.  People are complaining about Green Lantern fatigue, and Flash is spearheading this year’s major crossover! There are NO shortage of seeing the Big 7 around the DCU right now, and there’s no shortage of stories where you see them teaming up elsewhere.  

    Its a disservice to call Dick Grayson  and Donna Troy, flea market versions of anything.  They’ve trained for years under their mentors.  Likewise Jade and Jesse Quick have been part of major teams for years and have parents that have trained them to the peak of their abilities. 

    You want the big guns to be back in the JLA and “leave them there”?    Permanently? Never change the lineup again?   That’s dull for the readers and dull for the writers!  You’ve got great story and great art.  Just relax and let the writers and artists tell their story! 

  7. @Skyfire124 I agree!  I hung on during the first several issues with Bagely’s horrible art just to see what this team could do when it was finally all together.  It is finally looking good.  I would love to see Dr. Light and Zuriel stay after this arc and wouldn’t miss it if Jade was gone but those are just character preferences on my part.  But this issue was a action filled and exciting.  Booth’s art is great. 

  8. @ComicBookHeretic See I actually have been a Jade (and Obsidian) fan ever since their Infinity Inc. days.  So I’d like to see her stick around but that’s just MY character preeferences!

    Not to further beat a dead horse, but the downside of having just the Big 7 on a team, is that you can’t really do long-lasting changes to a character.   With the exception of Martian Manhunter, everyone else is under the control of their own editors.  Getting away from the Big 7 gives you more opportunities to explore and make changes.  For example, James Robinson has to ask permission to set up a long term romance for a character…when he goes to the Wonder Woman editor, they’re going to be a lot more open minded to making those changes for Donna, then they are for Diana.   Just sayin’…

  9. Yes I agree completely. That is also why I like this type of team. I would love Jade in the Justice Society more. She fits there for me. Too many people want the big seven but note. The analogues are better for me. I love these characters

  10. @Skyfire124  I’m following this storyline from the outside but I would like to pick it up again if Martian Manhunter or Aquaman joined the team again after Brightest Day. I don’t need the big 7 but it would be nice to have some of the 7 on the team like the Detroit days.

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