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Name: Ramon Colon

Bio: I've been a comics fan since I held the first appearance of Spider-Man's black costume in Secret War so long ago!


neptunes55's Recent Comments
April 25, 2011 9:42 am @conor  Are you sure Conor? I thought the heavy in the episode was Ted Kord while the scientist that was killed after wearing the scarab was unnamed. I appreciate the Dan Garett references and overall a good episode by Smallville standards. Another episode with Zod next week.....blah.
April 25, 2011 9:39 am @Skyfire124  I'm following this storyline from the outside but I would like to pick it up again if Martian Manhunter or Aquaman joined the team again after Brightest Day. I don't need the big 7 but it would be nice to have some of the 7 on the team like the Detroit days.
April 25, 2011 9:33 am @JaqueNargg  You didn't miss much at all. Except the reveal at the end was ok, the lead up to it was filler. The art is killing my enthusiasm for the book. 
April 25, 2011 9:04 am Totally summed up how I feel about this book and particular storyline. However, I would give the artwork in this book and the series a 2 as well. Why not do some smaller scale stories concerning John and Kyle before leaping into another event? I would like to see this storyline end not with the death of John or Kyle but maybe Kyle moving onto the Blue Corps.
April 25, 2011 8:57 am Agree with your ratings on the book. The book started strong but I wonder about the new rings myself. John and his indigo costume looks ridiculous but I'll go with it. Also, wasn't it established in the Sinestro Corps that Hal couldn't channel fear? 
April 25, 2011 8:49 am Though I'm still into the series, I think this War of the Green Lanterns story line has been weak. Why not some standalone books to hold us over until the next event takes place? I have a feeling after reading this book that maybe one of the 4 core GL's will switch teams. Maybe Kyle will turn permanently Blue?