Comic Books
Jonah Hex has done something horrible and now he’s on the run. What he’s done is so unthinkable that people want him dead for it. Hex must have had a good reason, right? Even if what he’s done is murder…
Written by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin GrayArt and cover by Jordi Bernet
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
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Glad I jumped back on board with #50, looking forward to this.
Big fan of Jordi Bernet on this book. Hex is on a roll at the moment.
Sold-out at my shop.
Solid, solid book. Always worth the $3. I kind of wish they’d make it Criminal for Westerns with articles and stuff.
Didn’t love Bernet’s artwork, but it was definatly not the worst artwork I saw this week (that was either Wolverine: Weapon X or BK: The Question) but it really fit. I also love that Gray and Pallmiotti don’t spell every little story beat out. It’s refreshing.