Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 6.7%


changingshades06/20/09YesRead Review
JesTr06/19/09YesRead Review
Invasionforce06/18/09NoRead Review
SilverAgeTom06/17/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.9
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  1. man this book is just stellar. i love a good chase and this one has delivered in spades

  2. I’m seriously tempted to buy the variant. 

  3. The variant blows this cover out of the water… sadly my shop is likely to charge $15 or $20 for it… not sure if that’s common or not.

  4. usually is at mine…

    I jumped on last issue, good decision!  With all the DC in my stack lately its good to still see an awesome Marvel title now and again.  Other than my friendly neighborhood wall-crawler that is.

  5. Feels like forever since the last issue came out. Looking forward to this book. It’s been on the border of being POTW since the beginning of the year… will it finally break through?

  6. "all of Iron Man’s rogues’ gallery is after him"… sweet!

  7. I love the cover and this book.

  8. I’m so incredibly happy to see that armor again.  That has always been Iron Man to me.

  9. Chris Bachalo and Marc Silvestri. Very Interseting.  The cover is so great. i hope everyone gets it.

  10. I jumped on last issue and was really impressed. This is the comeuppance that Tony Stark has earned…the character is being broken down and rebuilt…it’s fascinating. Fraction is really bringing something interesting to Marvel.

  11. I still want to know how they will come back from dumb tony.  I really like this book and i say it time and time again….YOU SHOULD READ THIS!

  12. This be some good shit

  13. Amen.

  14. Norman’s convo with the General ( and the Gereral’s response) completely floored me.  Seriously, is it too late for Greatest Comic Book Moment of ’09?

  15. I have no idea where this story is going and I like it. I haven’t read a comic like this in a long time. I know tony won’t die, but I don’t see how he gets out of this jam. Great stuff…

  16. I’m luke warm about the name "Rescue", but I’ll give it time.

    Another fantastic issue for me.  But honestly, I could have done without seeing Black Widow’ thong.  That threw me right out of the book and just felt really cheap.  Otherwise, damn fine comic booking and I’m totally enjoying Larroca’ art far more than I use to.

  17. I’m with Drake on every point. But at the same time, the thong is actually a character thing. Isn’t Romanov one of the mot promiscuous females in the Marvel U?

    This comic was great! Folks not reading this are missing out on a sweet Iron Man run!
  18. @Chuckenigma- Wasn’t the "General’ actually the Crimson Dynamo??? Looked like him!

  19. @JAMESDEAN2020  That’s what I was thinking, too.  It doesn’t say, but, c’mon, how many people have that mustache going on?

  20. @jamesdean/chuckenigma Considering that Crimson Dynamo is many time consider a "bad guy" and that Ms. Hand states to Osborne that she contacted someone they know in the military, it’s pretty obvious it is him. 

    @drakedangerz, jumping jupiter I actually didn’t even notice the thong. And I was really put off by the gratuitous thong-age in Batman: Alive! But yes, Black Widow is generally considered promiscuous, though I would venture to say that’s a little down putting. She definitely just see what she wants and takes it. 😉

    Great book this week. 5/5. Met my expectations and exceeded them. My only qualm is that the Tony not knowing Pepper/"Rescue" thing came seemingly out of nowhere. I imagine it will be explained next issue, but right now I’m just a little turned off by it. Otherwise, this had great character moments and some fun scenes. This is single-handedly the only Dark Reign book that isn’t mind-numbingly boring to me. POTW for me.

  21. I’ll agree, she a hoe.

  22. The girl is at home trying to enjoy her day off. Who cares if her pants are sagging?

  23. this series is at a level of high quality that it scary

  24. This is the begining of the second-half of World’s Most Wanted? So it will be a 12-issue arc? Sign me up for the rest AND put me down for the hardcover. This has the best Tony Stark story that I’ve read in years.

  25. And she’s wearing pants that would slip like that so it’s well within the context of the scene.

    Oh and this comic is SO GOOD.  Leave it to Fraction to reintroduce the fact that Black Widow is a supporting character in Iron Man’s world and has connections to the Crimson Dynamo.  All that plus more Madame Masque goodness, Maria Hill’s up to something, and Pepper’s journey continues.  No wonder Tony Stark is such a compelling character.  With all these hotties either trying to kill him or help save his life, I’d switch places with him.

  26. Dang, this book is awesome! This and the Mighty are my favorite on-goings for sure!

  27. I love that it actually took me this long to realize that the entire supporting cast for this book is female. And they’re all written so well. Fraction, you are my favorite.

  28. Cool cover, Fraction is doing a much bettr job here than in uncanny x-men

  29. I’d just like to say the thong was definately wrong. If she was having a day off there is no way she would be wearing a thong. Its just a typical comic artists need to shoehorn SOME cheesecake in there somewhere. Note to all you aspiring artists out there. IF you are trying realism like larocca, putting thong on every ass is not the way to go.

     Other than that, a top issue. THis is the first time I have bought an iron man book and i wasn’t disappointed. This is totally what Tony deserves and hopefully after this he will stop being a total tool and be a little more humble. Also the reducing intellect thing is a nice device to bring him down to everyone elses level. 

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