Comic Books

> > 3-of-6

Price: $3.50
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


  1. i don’t know what it’s about but i know i like it

  2. More Lesion goodness

  3. I don’t know why more ppl aren’t picking this book up. It’s a great read. And the art……. Well, we’ve all bought Cassaday books for the art (even for the covers ((as of late))).

    This is not a disappoint book. It’s really a none miss. Period!!! Pick this up!!!!!

  4. … that end. I don’t know why iFanBoy isn’t reviewing this book. It’s a great title. 

    I know it’s a year or two late…and it was being distributed by DC originally (now Devils Due). But this books needs it’s push. Come one guys. Take a good look. I know you have it in ya. 

  5. It’s bloody brilliant. So there. Buy it everyone.

  6. Agreed, great book. 

    I really need to start getting to my LCS earlier than 11:45AM.  I was lucky to grab the last issue of this along with Viking and Ignition City.

  7. I didn’t know what was going on until the end of the last issue and then I started to figure it out. Good stuff.

  8. all the dialogue feels too dense. reading it feels more laborious than watchmen with less than half the pay off. i literally have to take breaks reading it  cause i get soo bored that i find myself scanning the words while retaining nothing

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