Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 4.5
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  1. Will this book sustain the ifanboy bump it got from being pick of the week? (its pulls went up by 1/3 last month)

  2. @Brandon2

     I hope it does, this book certainly deserves any attention it gets.

  3. I jumped on last issue and I’m definately on board for this issue.  Plus I’m excited about Jason Aaron on the next couple issues too.

  4. gotta give ifanboy (in particular Josh) the credit for making me want to check this series out.  I’m enjoying it too.

  5. Yeah me too gat0r, I bought last issue on Josh’s word, and he wasn’t wrong, it was a cool issue. I’ll definitely be staying on for Aaron’s run too.

  6. BTW .. the cover is AWESOME!

    Early contender for cover of the week.

  7. Just curious, how many other people aside from myself were buying this book BEFORE Josh’s reccomendation.

  8. @MisterBlank

    Not sure if that counts but I picked issue #243 as a jumping on point before I started reading iFanboy. 🙂

    I did read a few trades before though. Very good stuff.


  9. @Frogman 

    I’d say that counts.

    I picked up the first issue of Diggle’s run on a whim, based off his excitement to write the series ina interview he did, and i’ve been hooked ever since.

  10. @MisterBlank

    I’ve been picking up the series for a looong time, before the Constantine movie ever came out. Its usually been fairly good, but since Diggle took over its been amazing consistantly. After this ish I’m really looking forward to whats gonna happen next. Nice twist at the end.

  11. Just got around to reading #244. As Gat0r and Wade mentioned above I’ve got to give credit to Josh and the iFanboy crew. Great read, I’m loving the book. 

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