Comic Books
BRIGHTEST DAY burns on as Cyborg-Superman returns! You won’t believe how far he’ll go to secure his sinister new secret agenda. Plus, Green Lantern Ganthet has made a clandestine deal with Atrocitus. What is it and why might it spell doom for the Green Lantern Corps? The Emerald Warriors might have survived the BLACKEST NIGHT just in time for a great evil to rise!
Variant cover by PATRICK GLEASON
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.2%
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TheNextChampion | 07/28/10 | No | Read Review |
akamuu | 07/28/10 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 3.8
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There is a ‘hentai’ joke to be made here. But I’ll go the high road and not say anything.
I just spent a minute pondering the Hentai-ness of that image. While you perhaps avoided the lowest road, you are definitely traveling close to sea level.
Yay, Kyle’s dead again – based on the gaping chest wound! :-p
I was gonna drop this but then last issue was great.
I love Bedard. More people should be reading his Rebels series.
@minion i tried REBELS during Blackest Night and didn’t enjoy it at all. I didn’t like any of the characters or the story.
@MikeandZod21 I can respect that. I found REBELS during Blackest night as well and went back and read it from the beginning, and I can tell you it is much better if you start from the beginning, but not everything is for everybody.
The BN crossover just kind of threw you in in the middle of the story and used what was happening to advance the ongoing story rather than just grind to a halt for it. So being confused and/or not liking it is understandable.
@Prax: Why all the Kyle hate? Hate leads to fear, fear leads to… a Yellow Lantern.
I always loved the Cyborg Supes stories and find it funny that he really is more of a GL villain than a Superman one.
If this issue proves anything it’s that this title was ment to have Syaf as artist full time. Kirkham better bring something to the table because what Syaf is doing is pretty fantastic. Story itself was good but had an abrupt ending. Bedard’s take on Henshaw is pretty good though.
A little too much exposition but still a four star book. I wanted to see a real fight between Henshaw and Ganthet.
I’ve been reading GJ’s Green Lantern series since Sinestro Corps War but haven’t been reading much of this series…is this a good jumping on point?
Secret Origins:Cyborg Superman ……
Mine had a printing error, it reprinted two sequences a second time and the issue just cut off after kyle said that line about "I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let it happen again." I hate printing errors
I enjoyed it, it’s not been the best issue of GL:C in the Brightest Day tie in run but it was still fun to read and the art was pretty solid.
This title is better than Green Lantern right now (IMO).
I wasn’t crazy about the last issue so I wasn’t sure if I was going to keep picking this up but I thought this was pretty good, I think I’ll stay on at least till the end of this arc.
Definitely too much exposition. I did not need to know every single detail of what Cyborg Superman had done since we last saw him. He turned the Manhunters off. Then he turned them back on again. Then he sold them for a bag of beans. I still enjoyed it, but with the Emerald Warriors finall coming, Bedard needs to tighten up his story telling.