Comic Books
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.0%
User | Added | Spoilers | |
outcastjon | 04/12/08 | No | Read Review |
chewie810 | 04/11/08 | No | Read Review |
Tork | 04/11/08 | Yes | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 3.8
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Crossing my fingers that this one is actually by Tomasi…
I think that the fill-in was only 2 issues so this should be a continuation of the Guy & Kyle & Mongul storyline. Should be good if the first couple of post-Sinestro Corps War issues are any indication.
I think people would kill if this wasn’t the next issue. No? Just me?
That is a great cover
it says it’s written by Tomasi… so it should be good, especially since the LAST one about Mongul was one of the beest GLC issues I’d read
What was the last issue written by Tomasi?
#20 was the last issue by Tomasi (Part one of "Rinq Quest") before it was interrupted by the stinker Boddika arc.
Patrick Gleason is back. Excellent. The GL books have been giving me my money’s worth for a loooong time now. I’m looking forward to this
I just started reading Green Lantern, after my first issue being Green Lantern’s Secret Origin part 1. Is this issue a good place to start on this book, knowing very little about hal jordan?
@PatK – This title isn’t really about Hal Jordan, but more about some other members of the Corps. As far as a good jumping on point? It’s the start of a new story — so it’s a good a time as any!
This title is awesome usually, the last two issues were CRAP, so hopefully this issue gets the series back on track.
oh man was this issue good. Love that they are using Mongul’s creepy dream plant
Excellent issue. Very well done. I’m glad the regular team is back on board.