Comic Books
BRIGHTEST DAY shines on as the mystery of the White Lantern piques the curiosity of Hector Hammond. The bizarre telekinetic escapes his prison cell and sets his sights on one being – Larfleeze! Plus, Hal Jordan begins unlocking the secret behind who took Parallax during BLACKEST NIGHT!
Variant cover by Stanley "Artgerm" Lau
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 5.4%
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FACE | 07/28/10 | No | Read Review |
TheNextChampion | 07/28/10 | No | Read Review |
akamuu | 07/28/10 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 4.2
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If this doesn’t get best cover this week I will lose all faith in this website.
Did I ever mention that Hector Hammond gives me the creeps? The design is just too out there for me….Doesn’t help Mahnke can make him even more terrifying.
Mahnke better draw Johns’ creator owned.
I think the only HH stuff I’ve read was from the start of John’s run. It was a bit confusing with the german-aliens and everything.
The Origins gave me a better understanding of him. He is a creepy character.
I always found it mildly confusing that the designs for Hammond and Sinestro are not that far apart. Yes, Sinestro has purple skin and Hammond has a giant head, I know. I said mildly confused. More like, why would they give them both the same crappy mustaches?!
@JimBilly4 It was the 60s. "Normal" Hector Hammond was visually based on Clark Gable, who has that classic, rakish thing mustache. Sinestro was based on David Niven, who has a similarly small (but not waked thin) mustache.
Also, villains have facial hair. That is a given. Perversely, the less facial hair, the more evil. Right up until you get to be clean shaven, then you are a good guy. But don’t go too far. Shave your head and you are back in villain town again.
…then add a monocle and you’ve firmly planted your roots
@ABirdseysView: He’s gonna need a big monocle…
Classic Mahnke art on that cover. By that I mean that it gives me the creeps.
Incoming message from the Big Giant Head!
Next issue is gonna make me cover my eyes. Cause I don’t think I can handle 22 pages of that…..THING from the end of this issue.
Great issue all around though from writing and art. Larfleeze continues to delight even though I keep thinking I’m getting tired of him. I do love how Johns weaves in that ridiculous premise for his X-Mas one-shot in this book.
This issue left a lot to be desired, but at the end of the book I realized that I really enjoyed it.
I want Larfleeze to be scary damnit.
Please Santa I WANT a Larfleeze toy for Christmas!
That’s probably the weirdest issue of GL I’ve read in ages. Terrific.
I dug this issue just for the fact that Larfleeze moved in 30 miles away from my house…
This was phenomonal! Classic Johns GL.I haven’t gotten through the rest of my stack yet, but this’ll probably end up my POTW.
You just can’t go wrong with a Larfleeze appearance (so far). Plus, I love me some Hammond so this was a two for one in my book. The last page of this was so exciting (LOVE that character design), and that final exchange between Larfleeze and Hal made me laugh out loud.
Johns has set up a goldmine of team-ups and villains by introducing this various entities. Here’s hoping it’s a while before that well runs dry.
I can’t say I find this series particularly compelling since Blackest Night but I do find the concepts. intriguing. *spoilers*
Hammond eating the orange power battery? Odd. Very wacky. Almost silver age-y.
That Hammond creature is awesome.