Comic Books
Count Vertigo makes his debut in The New 52! And just when Ollie thinks he’s got it all figured out, another piece of his family mystery emerges…only this one is still breathing!
Story by Jeff LemireArt by Andrea Sorrentino
Colors by Marcelo Maiolo
Cover by Andrea Sorrentino
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 5.8%
Avg Rating: 4.4
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No comments on this? How come!? 0_o Green Arrow is good again guys, it’s not a dream this time!
Got it marked as a pull but not 100% yet. It’s been good since Lemire took over but I need to cut my pull list.
The writing has been good for the last few months, the art is getting better every issue, but the story… it’s just not that compelling. I recently made some cuts from my pull-list and gave this issue the benefit of the doubt. So don’t dissapoint me, Ollie!
I had really like this series since Lemire took over, but last issued bored me so badly I think I’ve lost any interest in this title. Count Vertigo looked pretty cool, though.
I loved the splash page of Count Vertigo “blowing out” GA’s mind…..great art, and liked the “reveal” at the end of the issue!
Me too, that was awesome.
Another great issue by Lemire. I enjoyed how Ollie’s little helpers were competing as to who had the better invention.