Comic Books
FLASH FACT: Bart is back, but now he must find his way home.
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.3%
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ckl | 08/25/11 | Yes | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 3.5
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This series has had me on the edge of my seat. It seems like Bart is completely expendable in the New 52 so it seems like anything can happen here. Plus, I just want good Flash stories and this series delivered better on that than the regular Flash book has in months.
Concur. I love Bart and if this is the last we see of this version of him, at least he’s goin’ out in a fun storyline.
I only started reading the Flash with the recent no.1 so don’t have a lot of knowledge of Bart, but I really enjoyed this. I think it works by itself even wihout Flashpoint.
I loved this. A great way to send off the “old” continuity. Like a lot of these final issues, Sterling Gates went metatextual at the end, and I really like what he had to say. I’d love to see him work on a Flash family book in the future.
Ditto. Run Flash, Run.
I agree 100%. This was one of the better minis. Too be honest, I had never read Gates prior to this, but I will make sure to keep my eyes open for him in the future.
My POTW only because everything else was just SO SO bad.
*Everything I got.
Figured I’d make that clear.
Man this made me sad, because it was basically the shelving of the Flash legacy. we did get to see Kolins draw in his old style which was awesome, and if nothing else, this left me really excited to finally tear into the Waid Flash/ Impluse runs I have but haven’t read yet. See you in a few years, Bart.
Hopefully, we’ll get to see the whole Flash legacy unfold again in the new 52.
Goddammit Bart, stop dying!
This was lovely. A fine sendoff to this version of Bart Allen, ushering in the nu guy next month. And I’ll admit, Gates scored major points with me for remembering Carol from the old (criminally forgotten) Impulse book. Maybe I got a little choked up. No big deal.
So seeya later, Bart. Hope you’re still a cool guy next monh!
Man, I really enjoyed this. This mini was great, and this issue in particular was great. It is sad to see the Flash legacy end for now, but at least it was a grand heroic ending (unlike the final JSA issue). This was an issue full of desperation, sacrifice, and ultimately hope. And what else could you want from a Flash story? It’s what these speedsters do.