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FLASH FACT! He will drown the world – then rule it!
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.7%
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keith7198 | 06/10/11 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 3.7
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the biggest casualty of the Flashpoint war are Aquaman’s beautiful long locks of hair!
Tony Bedard? Unless I hear that this book is a slam dunk, no thanks.
I’ll give it a shot. I still have my affection for Bedard I got from the first 13 or 14 issues of REBELS.
@Minion: If you liked his run on REBELS, you should try Great Ten.
Great Ten was some good stuff. Glad Aquaman is gonna be a badass again.
I am excited for all flashpoint titles this week. Never have read much aquaman, hope this good
Iam excited also looks awesome
Great Ten was..well..great ! I thought I was the only one that read it 🙂
I’ll give this a shot.
Aw yeah Bedard!
Very curious about this…Bedard, you have one issue to get me!
Seriously, I took up swimming and I think subconcsiously it’s because of Veitch’s and Pfeifer’s Aquaman
Thanks fellow IFanboys for reminding me Bedard was the writer on the excellent Great Ten. I guess I’m in on this, have never bought an Aquaman book before.
I really loved this issue, a contender for my POTW
Not bad at all! Pretty good art too. I’m not a huge fan of this more mainstream superhero art style but I have to admit it was appealing line work and coloring.
I’ll have to re-read this and think about before giving it a score but I enjoyed it.
This was my POTW, looking forward to the next isssue.
My PO T W!
Yea, that was great. I loved the line about “imagine there were people who lived up in the clouds, you never thought about them much, until they started dropping all their garbage on you…!”
FWIW – ya know, killing your mother-in-law at the wedding not only gets a marriage off to a bad start, it is the height of bad manners.
This was ok. Didn’t love it. Didn’t hate it. I’m staying on board for the origin and the scoop on the Aquaman/WW relationship.
@Urthona Well, that depends on who you ask and weather we are looking at the situation in the long-run or not. 😉
I love the page where Aquaman’s brother is recapping everthing that happened with the meeting with the king/president for Aquaman when he already knew all that! They showed Aquaman watching it all on montiors so there was ZERO reason for that conversation other than telling the reader what happened. That was really sloppy exposition writing.
@Malecema Can’t say I disagree. That was a bit of a clunky passage. Hence no POW.
You can really feel Aquaman’s rage and anger in this, and his look I’m diggin, the crew cut is Guy Gardner-esque.
One thing I didn’t get: If Mera was decapitated, how is she there with Geo-Force? Ocean Master mentions she “played the part very well”, so was that some sort of shape-shifter with Brion?
@JNewcomb was looking for that sequence as well, think it maybe happens after Arthur’s capture of Brion, maybe it’ll be elaborated upon in the next issue.
One of the best Flashpoint books so far! This was my PotW.
@Franktiger There was a lot of flashing back and forth with the narrative. I think it hurt the book, at least for me. There were enough unanswered questions to bring me back for more, but I wasn’t as bowled over by this as I was the Deathstroke book. Still, pretty good, although Ocean Master is gonna get tired of being pimp-slapped by his bro!