Comic Books
Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 46.6%
User | Added | Spoilers | |
Mart | 10/16/08 | Yes | Read Review |
Templar | 10/15/08 | Yes | Read Review |
CammyKnoxville | 10/15/08 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 4.6
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Last issue was pretty bad-ass I thought, so looking forward to this.
Yeah, I was impressed after the first read of the last two issues. Then I re-read them this weekend, damn near blew me away. This is a great series and I can’t wait to see how it ends
I’d be totally for a Johns written Rogues series. No matter what book he’d have to drop to write it.
If he dropped Action Comics… I would cry.
Yeah and I would cry if he dropped GL. I mean… The Darkest Night!
Can’t wait!
If this issue maintains the intensity of issue 2 and adds Barry Allen to the mix we will have a real winner on our hands. Johns will have me stoked for some Flash action in Final Crisis proper. (He will probably also have me wishing he was writing Final Crisis proper.)
I’ve never read Flash, and never really had a desire to, but at this point I’ll read anything Johns puts out. The man is on fire!
Great, after this I have to go back and collect Johns run on flash. I just got through getting DnA’s Legion run but atleast most of his stuff is in trade. Damn you for being so good Geoff, damn it all.
On a side note, do you think he’s made up for the Shark-Man in his early Green Lantern issues yet? I’m not sure there is ever forgiveness for that but I just try and block it out like a memory of a drunk uncle with wandering hands.
Love the three part minis….this was a ton better than I thought it would be
Quality. Looks good, reads good, feels good, smells pretty darn good too!
Honestly i have never hesatated to buy a Geoff Johns book he always delivers and ill keep buying whatever hes selling
I’m getting the character cover.
Which Rouge will die! Come on at the end of issue 2 Libra has weather wizard set up to betray the rouges
@cyberauron It’s hard to say how that will go. The rogues are some of the hardest characters to predict, because not only are they incredibly ruthless, but they are loyal to one another. They have a certain amount of disipline, but they can fly completely off the handle. They are a group of extremely volatile people. And you can never say when they will act more as a group or more as individuals. I think that is a major strength of the rogues.
I’m with NealAppeal, I’d buy an ongoing Rogues book written by Johns, but I’d rather see him back writing the Flash again. Remember when that title was readable?
I love the Trickster cover. The only Capt. Cold cover I could find at my LCS was too beat up, so I settled for the regular cover.
Anyways, great mini! Johns has totally got me excited about Flash: Rebirth. I wasn’t a fan of the Flash until this, now I can’t wait. Solid read, fantastic art, and a great setup for things to come. Further proof of Johns’ abilities as a writer.
P.S. Kid Zoom…priceless
Give me the last three pages of this issue and I will give you any other pages related to Final Crisis.
@stuclach-Im sorry, I have no idea what you mean by that statement. Is that meant as a complaint or praise? or neither?
@Drake: I think he is saying that the last 3 pages of this comic were better than any pages of Final Crisis.
this was too good. I love the DC approach to big events. These optional support minis are just fantastic, although it may just be Johns.
@thisisegan: I agree. I love how I can read Final Crisis and these minis and not worry about the other books being all messed up with the event. I’m feeling that pain with the RIP books right now.
@charlieblix-Ahh, thanks for the heads up.
I agree, I love the way DC is handling these tie-ins. I have been a Marvel zombie for a while, but I will easily admit that DC is just handling this event way better. Don’t interupt my stories and don’t force creators to put a stupid banner on their book just to sell more.
Yes drakedangerz, I am saying that the last three pages are better than the rest of the final crisis storyline, so far.
this mini was friggin awesome. If this is what Flash Rebirth is going to be like I’m there…
VERY good wrap up to an awesome series. If only the regular Flash book was half as good as this …