Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.2%


Templar11/12/08YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.1
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  1. I believe that’s the last James Jean cover, but I could be wrong.

  2. Nope.  Issue 81 is his last cover.

  3. I had no idea he was leaving, that sucks

    Regardless, I loved last issue.  Ending the war breathed some new life into this book

  4. Any idea who’s taking over the covers once Jean leaves?

    @cutty… I wish the war was longer actuallly.

  5. I feel like Brad Pitt’s character at the end of Se7en.  WHAT’S IN THE BOX!?

  6. @ButchCassidy – I agree completely.  I was counting on a year long (12 issues) war that would devastate both sides, but instead the good guys simply beat the shit out of the bad guys in 3 issues and then moved on.  I am sure there are some interesting stories to tell moving forward, but I want some front line action and some revenge by some of the "good" fables.  I would have liked to see Bigby go guerilla and snipe/slash for an entire issue (maybe that would have been a little too Wolverine?).  Mabye that is just my bloodlust shining through.

  7. @butch – yeah and i agree if it were a sprawling epic battle.  but with the way they handled it, i’m glad its over.  issue 75 really didn’t do much for me, and I’m excited to move onto the post-war stuff which i think ultimately will be more interesting

  8. Templar, you beat me to it.

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