Comic Books


Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


ComicBookGuy3710/17/08NoRead Review


  1. The wife asked me to pick this up for her last time, shes a huge Doctor Who fan.  I was excited cuz Pia was drawing it.  Hence, this comic speaks to us both.  Lets hope its a fun read

  2. The first issue was soooo much better than I expected, especially after the abysmal first arc in this series. I’m excited for this as well as the Morisson scripted classic series that starts this week. Normally buying Doctor Who comics feels like fanboy jury duty but right now things are looking up.

  3. YES Davetron!  I hear ya!  I was so ‘meh!’ abut the first arc of this series but this is one is having it LARGE!  I’m alos LOVING the Doctor Who Classics from IDW as well!

  4. Meh, didn’t do it for me this time.  Too much flashback, not enought time spent on actually doing anything.  I did love the dogs though.

  5. Umm I think the flashbacks are kind of the whole point of this series.

  6. Good god I just re-read this and my umm reads like a snarky "umm".  But that was just me actually thinking on it and saying my thoughts out loud!  Honest!

  7. @Hawkboy-nuh huh, you were just being a snooty dick!!!  😛  But yeah, I interpret the point being that he has to remember who he is in order to get through this particular adventure.  Althought it needs the flashbacks, it didn’t need to take up so much of the issue.  The first issue didn’t have as much, and it felt like enough happened in the present time to make you feel like their was a healthy progression.  But in this one, I don’t feel like it did that nearly as well.

  8. I think with "The Forgotten" Tony Lee is giving us a kind of Doctor Who 101 for new fans of the series. The flashbacks here really capture each Doctor’s era well; Hartnell’s straight foreward historical entanglements, Troughton’s hard (if unapoligeticly corny) science fiction and a para-military romp with Pertee’s doctor.

    The nods to the past were great. I loved te appearance of Ace’s Rucksack and Jo Grant having to remind everyone that she IS smart. Not to mention the many undiscussed items on display.

    I’m glad this series is getting so many pulls.

  9. @drakedangerz

    It’s not that the stories need the flashbacks but rather the story is an excuse FOR the flashbacks. This isn’t  a David Tennant story as much as it’s a story using all the other Doctors.  The tenth Doctor is more of a device or framework around all of these tflashbacks rather than being the main thrust of the story, thats why you’ll see more flashbacks then new Doctor, and I’m okay with that. Don’t get me wrong I love my New Doctor but I heart my old ones a bit more…

  10. Meh, I understand the need for the flashbacks.  I’m not saying they aren’t interesting.  Just that basic storytelling is to use flashbacks to progress the story smoothly.  Like "Lost", if it was just one episode of flashbacks with no story progression, it would be a waste.  They successfully, usually, integrate flashbacks with the current story and its great.  I just felt this issue didn’t accomplish that. 

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