Whitmore Pickerel has the power to create living beings out of nothingness, creating new entities designed to suit his own increasingly selfish desires. But now his living, breathing, tremendously powerful creations have turned against him and are pursuing their own agendas. The Man of the Atom fights fiercely to cut short the swath of looting and destruction left in the wake of Glow and Leviathan-and at the climax of the savage conflict, he does something no hero has done before! Meanwhile, Pickerel’s fear of his own creations drives him to conjure a supremely powerful guardian to protect him; but what he accomplishes opens the door to disaster. Enter: Moloch, the Devourer. The Man of the Atom is forced to pit his godlike power against the power of a god!

* Jim Shooter returns to the character he redefined in the 1990s!

Writer: Jim Shooter
Artist: Roger Robinson
Cover Artist: Michael Komarck

Price: $3.50
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%


  1. Wow, this one seems to have really died in popularity since the first issue…

  2. I’m debating if I want to get this in issue. I’ll give this issue a looksy, but might drop it if it doesn’t wow me.

  3. Why did the artist change? Was calero for the first issue. 

  4. I wondered about that artist change, too. I just checked Dark Horse’s official site and the message boards there have a topic asking for opinions on the new Magnus and Dr. Solar. There are several posts by new board members with only one post trashing the Calero art. I didn’t think it was that bad, but there are several posts just running it into the ground, to the point that one says it shouldn’t have been published without being re-drawn. It seems like someone in the company didn’t like his art and got a new artist on board, thus explaining the delay between issues and the fact that they skipped a month between soliciting issues 2 and 3.


    In fact, upon further investigation I see that Roger Robinson confirms on his deviantart page that he got hired in mid-July  (which is why Calero was still listed as the artist for issue 2 in the solicits). 

  5. @midnight138: Yep.  That sounds right.  I thought #2 was going to be Calero.  I’m glad it’s not.  #1 was terrible and more than likely killed the book’s chance with new readers not familiar with Solar.  I didn’t make that comment, but I do agree that they never should’ve put that first issue out.  A new artist for #2 all but confirms that mistake. 

  6. I loved these guys back when they were Gold Key and then Valiant… these books have been good so far!

  7. I thought this issue was much better than the first; I’m actually curious about the new creations and where they will end up, and the writer is funny but I kind of empathize with him.

  8. This issue was much better than the wreck of a first issue.  I actually liked the art in this one.  I don’t care for the villain character designs, but overall, this issue was a huge improvement over #1.

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