Comic Books

> > 42
DMZ #42

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 40.4%


changingshades06/11/09NoRead Review


  1. Wow, this sounds great. Very excited.

  2. Cool Ryan Kelly!

  3. Ryan Kelly is one of the best artists in comics today.

  4. Outside of the Parco arc, I have never been let down by this series.

  5. Do want.

  6. Does anyone know how DMZ is doing saleswise – both in issues and trades?  I hope it is doing well enough to finish up in its own time.  Love this series.  @vadamowens – what didn’t you like about the Parco arc?

  7. @enfuego nothing in particular.  It’s just my least favorite arc.  I like the idea of electing an official to represent the people in the DMZ and Matty’s role in the whole thing.  I just didn’t care for it that much and I can’t put my finger on it.  Maybe I saw potentials for Parco’s corruption and disliked it.  I studied Poli Sci in college, so I don’t know why I’m surprised.  Maybe I was more optimistic with Parco’s administration, but I see him sliding into the same corruption that caused the secession in the first place.

  8. The solicit sounded great.  I should’ve just stuck with the solicit.  Not as good as I expected.

  9. Really great 4-star book, mostly for the art. Ryan Kelly is the greatest.

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