Comic Books


The Man Without Fear visits the Land of The Rising Sun! As the new leader of The Hand, Matt Murdock seeks to unite its five continental regions behind his banner and lead the organization to a new future – but when all five “fingers” of The Hand form its mighty fist, you’ll be surprised at who gets hit first! Series writer Andy Diggle welcomes Marco Checchetto (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) for the Three-Part epic, THE LEFT HAND PATH!

WRITER: Andy Diggle & Antony Johnston
PENCILS: Marco Checchetto
COVER BY: Paolo Rivera

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 2.1%


TheDude00702/20/10NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.0
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  1. That cover is beautiful

  2. I love the cover too.  I just recently jumped on Daredevil and have been really enjoying it.  

  3. Yeah, Diggle’s a great writer.  I got into him due to his short work on Hellblazer.  I’ve been impressed with just about everything since.

  4. Shadowland is coming!

  5. How’s the Diggle run so far?  I am a big fan of the Bendis/Brubaker stuff, and also really enjoyed The Losers and Diggle’s Hellblazer run.

  6. Hey iFanboy, COVER OF THE WEEK!

  7. @sunny he’s easily carving his niche in the Daredevil family.  You’re missing out bro.

  8. I think the writing quality has been maintained with Diggle (at least to the level that Bru gave us), but the art has been slipping. This is no Maleev, no Lark, and no Aja. Now Checchetto comes on for a full issue and I’m worried the magic is taking a hit. I wished that Diggle was able to get is Hellblazer art team on this. Camuncoli/Landini or Manco.

  9. this is a Daredevil story in the purest sense.  so many little things that indirectly reference the history of this world and character.  go back to the thread for last issue for my specific examples.

    now how much Diggle is doing his own personal take on Daredevil, I’m really not sure.

  10. @Rolando I like De La Torre. He is not Maleev good, but if you like that kind of style I think last issue was really beautiful. If this is only a single fill-in issue then it matters not too much how bad (or good) it is to the general run. I am more concerned that Diggle is writing a story check that Daredevil’s butt can’t cash. You can only torture so many soldiers in sewar cages before Murdock becomes unrecognizable. So far I am on board, but I see danger lights flashing.

  11. what is shadowland???

  12. @tdog I’m assuming some haven for The Hand within the Hell’s Kitchen.  But I could be mistaken.

  13. This is gonna be one of the covers of the week.

  14. Felt more like a set up issue, but this story is setting up to be a huge mind-fuck.  It will be interesting to see how Matt will get out of this without compromising his core values.

  15. @vada – I will probably be picking up Diggle’s DD stuff in hardcovers.  I am waiting for the final Brubaker omnibus to come out though.

  16. @sunny I’d love to have those omnibi, but they’re too fucking expensive with how much I already spent on the original issues.

  17. They definitely are a bit expensive, but it was such an easy way to get caught up on years worth of great stuff.

  18. I would’ve bought them if I didn’t have the originals for sure.

  19. AWESOME issue. I loved both the art & the story. I don’t have a single negative thing to say about this. 

    5/5 for me !! 

  20. The last 2 issues have seen some pretty awesome developments to the story.  I loved this issue, great building up of the inner workings of the Hand and building on the whole DD universe and history of the Hand.  5 stars and probably my POW. 

    As for the art, I’m enjoying it even on this fill-in issue.  Is it Maleev or Lark?  No, but I’m giving it some time and my opinion might change.  When Lark took over I didn’t think he was as strong as I thoought later into the run.. I think the same could be true of De La Torre.  I really like De La Torre’s work so far.  Plus- the colors have made any transition of artist on this book less jarring over the past 10 years.  DD looks dark & gritty regardless of the artist.

  21. @Vada – Get them bound someday?

  22. How much does that cost?

  23. Though i miss bendis and malleev or brubaker and lark, diggle is doing something very new and different with Matt that’s pretty cool so far

  24. I definately double dip – buying the issues and the omnibus.  I like owning the issues and reading them when they first come out, but nothing beats reading the issues in oversized format back-to-back.  I recently reread the first brubaker omnibus and enjoyed it much more than when i first read it in issues.

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