Comic Books


• If you’ve been missing the multiple Harvey and Eisner Ward winning comic, get in NOW!

• The PERFECT JUMPING ON POINT with an all new mystery that will take Matt Murdock to the edge like never before.

Story by Mark Waid
Art by Chris Samnee
Colors by Javier Rodriguez
Cover by Chris Samnee

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 13.2%


DavidClark02/20/13NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.7
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. I almost bought the last issue of this when I found it at Barnes & Noble. But then I saw that Marvel jacks up the price to 3.99 for the newsstand. Awesome. I put DD and Hawkeye back on the shelves and cursed out Marvel yet again. What a bunch of greedy dicks.

    • Hawkeye is still 2.99

    • Hawkeye’s newsstand price was also 3.99.

    • No LCS? Try picking it up digital, both of those 2.99 books are worth more than most of the actual 3.99 books. Some of the best bang for your buck in comics.

    • My LCS was sold out of the most recent issues. But seeing that Marvel ups the price of their “newsstand” 2.99 books to 3.99 has left me wondering if I even want to bother with these, even with the great reviews. Just leaves a bad taste in my mouth – I completely forgot to even look for this today when I picked up my books.

    • My shop buys those $4.00 Marvel books from Diamond at about $1.65. Sometimes cheaper. Diamond gets their cut. Can we cut this “greed” crap out now? Marvel could be, potentially, getting less than one dollar per book depending on Diamond’s brokerage fees.

  2. with marvel changing how they release hardcovers/trades, does anyone know if this will still be released in hardcover? I’ll be majorly pissed off if it isn’t 8(

    • I believe they still plan to release this in OHC

    • It looks like they do trades first and then hardcovers now. Not sure if that’s the reality or if its just a perception I’ve had.

    • There’s currently a deluxe hc collecting the first 10 issues and a couple other sories.

    • @ndrs10: Yeah, I’ve already ordered that and volume 4 on amazon. (volume 3 is sat on my shelf).

      My main worry is how they’re dealing with the marvel now! stuff, Wolverine and the X-men is another title i’ve been grabbing the hardcovers of. I’m a lil’ OCD and would hate to have 1-4 in hardcovers and the rest in trade paperbacks.

      Hopefully what Jperister73 said will happen

    • idk the marvel release schedule for tpb cause I got DD vol 1 & 2 in paperback but havent seen vol 3 in paperback just hardcover

  3. Is it wrong that I want just an issue of Matt and Foggy dealing with this new medical issue and not the heroics?

    • I agree. I’d love something like #12 when it was just Matt+Kirsten only with Matt+Foggy. I think that Matt Murdock is just as much a hero as Daredevil. I’d like to see more of his personal life.

  4. Last issue was phenomenal. Waid’s storytelling is somehow “realistic” even in the midst of a dude with bionic stilts. DD is still the best Marvel book…maybe tied with Hawkeye.

    • Daredevil and Hawkeye are the only two Marvel titles I pick up on a monthly basis so I totally agree.

    • Agreed. And Thor.

    • Yeh, apparently I don’t like “team” books very much…my pull list
      All Star Western
      X O Manowar
      Indestructible Hulk
      Black Beetle
      Batgirl occasionally
      Swamp Thing (probably not much longer given that STINKER #17)
      Animal Man

      But I do like “ensemble” books…
      Planet of the Apes Cataclysm
      The Massive
      Deathmatch – are you reading this? Awesome.

  5. Lovely and heartbreaking, with action and humor seamlessly woven in. Wait and Samnee are really on some next level business.

  6. This was fantastic! My favorite issue since Samnee took over art duties. The scene where Foggy and DD are on the water tower and Foggy brings up Stilt Man was awesome.

  7. *****spoiler alert******

    I really wish this was a book that was out twice a month. I feel horrible for Foggy. I think everyone can empathize with him. We all know someone who has has had to deal with health issues.That last page was heartbreaking. As a guy who has loved Matt and Foggy I hope it all turns out okay. As for this issue I loved it. I loved the laugh Matt and Foggy shared at the expense of Stilt Man. I think we all feel that way about him. I was also thrilled that mat made it to Foggys appointment on time. It wouldn’t have surprised me if he didn’t but I’m sure glad he did.

  8. Wow.

    This was the best issue Chris Samnee has done for this series to date. Can’t find a single thing to complain about as all of this was gorgeous to look at. But Mark Waid really got things rolling with a fucked up intro to the issue and a gut punch of an ending. In terms of writing this is one very unique series Marvel is publishing right now. It’s been a while since everything clicked into place with this series. But when it does? Man this is some great comic books.

    5/5 (POTW)

  9. This book is just amazing. Consistently brilliant every issue. my brother isn’t into superhero books at all, he hasn’t read a marvel book in years but I got him to read Daredevil and Hawkeye as the story telling and art are fantastic.

  10. I am still a little freaked out because Tuesday night I had this weird dream where I found out Mark Waid was dying of cancer and was quitting comics. I had completely forgot that this issue was going to deal with that sort of subject matter and when I read it I squirmed a little. I assume it was a subconscious memory thing.


    5/5 great writing, great art, great read.

  11. by far the best issue for Samnee amazing all around

  12. The original ideas in this series continue to blow me away every month.

  13. Caption on the first page second panel is ridiculous. “A blind man was crossing the street.. At the same time a truck driver was distracted by his cellphone” so I’m to believe Matt Murdock is at most, what, 23 years old? Cell phones have only been ubiquitous enough for random truck drivers to own and be distracted by for around 12 or 13 years tops now. Couldn’t Waid have just said “truck driver was distracted by turning the radio station” or anything else a little less anochronistic?
    Rest of the issue was excellent.

    • Because the accident isn’t happening to Matt, it is a team of people trying to recreate what happened to Matt on various unfortunate victims. Hence the attack at the party. How and why someone is creating this scene I am sure we will soon find out.

    • I understand that, but the caption was Matt Murdock explaining his origin while the image we see is what’s happening in the present.

    • Yeah I noticed that too I’m like holy shit I’m older than daredevil that’s just not right. Otherwise great issue and I’m just coming back to reading this bc i liked these guys work on the rocketeer mini so much

  14. Daredevil #23 is a great issue. Action aside, it is a very moving story; wonderfully written and penciled.

    Please check my mini-review here:

    Comments and feedback are always welcome!

  15. The art on this series is amazing. Not only the pencils, the colors just pop on this book.

  16. Another awesome issue. I don’t think I have ever read a comic that dealt with cancer before. Very moving.

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