Comic Books


• Daredevil suffers his greatest loss ever – and that’s just the start of the story!

• Alone and helpless, Daredevil is hunted in Latveria!

• Meanwhile the law firm of Nelson & Murdock undergoes a drastic change!

Story by Mark Waid
Art by Chris Samnee
Colors by Javier Rodriguez
Letters by Joe Caramagna
Cover by Paolo Rivera

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 10.5%


TheNextChampion07/20/12NoRead Review
microwave2507/19/12NoRead Review
DavidClark07/18/12NoRead Review
dix07/18/12NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.4
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  1. It’s nice to see Daredevil outside of the city. Not all that into Doom, but I dig that he’s in the wilderness.

  2. As sad as I am to see Rivera leaving, Samnee has been a perfect replacement.

    At least Rivera is still doing covers!

  3. last issue was my favorite since Mole Man dancing with a corpse. hope to see some Doom in this issue.

  4. I loooooooved the last issue, I can’t wait for this one. When he thought he cleared the fence and he didn’t was just amazing.

  5. “Daredevil suffers his greatest loss ever – ” That’s a tall order for Matt “God’s punching bag” Murdock.

    • your definitly correct on that. i mean karen’s death was his greatest loss ever….. unless foggy dies!!!!

    • What about his father’s death? Or Elektra’s Death?

    • no, your right. but in my mind i feel like karen is the one that he will always love and has always loved. she has been in daredevil since the beggining. i feel like he cared more for karen then electra. but if anyone has to compete with karen being his biggest loss it has to be his dad.

    • I’m with you Logo. Just reread Bendis and Brubakers runs and Karen is by far his biggest loss. Her very smell drives him mad and Foggy (The man who knows Matt the best) believes all his breakdowns from those 100 issues stem from Karen’s death.

    • gotta go with Elektra guys. DD is a pussy hound with a record for wanting what he can’t have then not wanting it once he gets it and Elektra never returned his love to the degree in which Matt gave it. he’ll always be her bitch.
      plus she came back into his life and turned out to be a skrull. 2 times the loss.
      besides, no way Smith fucked up Matt’s life more than Miller did.

  6. Last issue was kinda mixed for me. A great idea of a story but the art was so mediocre in terms of what Samnee usually does. Hopefully this turns out to be better.

  7. I have trouble with this book. The story’s been great as always, and lord knows I love Chris samnee, but I just loved Paolo Rivera’s work. I bummed that he’s not going to be doing interiors for this title anymore, but there’s something missing when he doesn’t draw it.

    • Agreed!

    • Rivera’s covers are flawless and in the beginning so were his interiors, but i think he started slacking off a bit around issue 4 or 5. his fight scenes seemed particually lazy( Mole Man especially).
      with the exception of cover art, i find Samnee to be superior in everyway.

    • @mrfrost: i agree. its kind of a buzz kill once you see a great cover from rivera then you see samnee on the inside. i just love rivera’s work in daredevil.

  8. I’m really curious to see how Waid plans on mixing in the troubled Daredevil/Matt that has been hinted at in these past few issues. The lighter tone has been one of the standout aspects of the “New” Daredevil, so it will have to be really well executed. I trust this team, and I have been loving this series as is, so I’m nervous for any big changes.

  9. I like this arc but I can’t wait until he’s back in hell’s kitchen; its where he belongs.

  10. If anybody had to take over for Rivera, Samnee was an inspired choice. He’s made this series his own, bringing originaliy and energy to each page without trying to ape the previous style.

    I thought it was impossible for me to love this book more. I am thrilled to be wrong. POTW.

  11. Wow now this was a great issue! The last few issues have been good but not GREAT like I’ve come to expect from this book but this was wonderful. Made me remember how great this title can be POTW

  12. is Daredevil gonna “reboot” or whatever Marvel is calling it? issue #14 was the first one i bought and enjoyed it. dont want to start a new comic and then have it start all over.

  13. This issue was good but I, too, miss Rivera on art. Samnee is good but his work just seems darker. Perhaps heavier line work. The story is darker as well but I think they should have gone with someone more in line with the previous artist to match the tone that had already been set. Story was good except Tony arriving that fast seemed a little too convenient. Overall, a good issue but not the home runs of the early issues. This was probably a triple. 🙂

  14. I loved this issue, it had all the things that have made Waid and Co.’s run so enjoyable thus far. The art was great, there was tension, humor, and action. I really liked how it showed that Daredevil/Matt isn’t always Mr. Perfect, he isn’t Batman with a plan for every possible outcome; sometimes it’s just sheer luck, determination–on occasion friends–that get him out of dire situations.

    • you’re right. he doesn’t have a plan for everything. part of the charm of DD as a character is the “luck” factor you wrote of. he’s quite the swashbuckler and i love him for it.

  15. Avatar photo filippod (@filippodee) says:

    Rivera’s covers are a work of genius. The barb-wire mimicking the radar effect on this issue, the rivets spelling DOOM in braille on the previous one… genius.

    Plus, he draws the best looking Daredevil this side of Gene Colan.

  16. Great issue!!! Might be my POtW

  17. Avatar photo tripleneck (@tripleneck) says:

    Mark Waid sure has a big pair of balls and I’m glad for that! He writes a DD story where he is truly blinded and gives us a comic with a LOT of all black panels. The execution of the story through the art on this issue reminds me conceptually of the topsy turvy issue 5 of Batman. Ok, maybe it’s not as revolutionary (pun!), but there’s a lot for the reader to look at that’s really doing the storytelling more than the words. And what’s there for us to see illustrates Matt’s own damaged senses, lack of perception, and the shaky return of some capability. PotW for me.

  18. Holy crap, that was some brilliant comic booking. Still more comics to read, but calling this one the PotW.

  19. Saga was great, but this was my POTW. Perfect issue in every way, start to finish.

  20. Story- 5

    Art- 3

    Samnee is just not doing it for me.

  21. I LOVED this issue. My POTW by far. The ending was awesome. I felt like jumping up and saying ‘Yeaaaaah!!!” And I’m 36 by the way. 😉 Can’t wait for the next issue. Yeah, the art isn’t the best. But it’s different, and I like different once in a while.

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