Brian Wood and James Harren pull out all the stops in the blowout conclusion to “The Argos Deception”!

With Conan loose in Messantia, pirate queen Bêlit and her crew hit the city hard. Messantia’s soldiers think they’re dealing with a simple barbarian, but they’ve just stepped into Bêlit’s trap!

*Brian Wood’s (Northlanders, The Massive) second arc concludes!

*Art by rising star James Harren (Nation X, B.P.R.D.)!

“James Harren’s art echoes the old EC horror masters while still managing to be current. The motion of the action is superb on every page and it is ably matched by the character moments in between.” —Comic Book Resources

Big heist, Conan style!

Writer: Brian Wood
Artist: James Harren
Colorist: Dave Stewart
Cover Artist: Massimo Carnevale

Price: $3.50
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.8%


Kzinti07/16/12NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.7
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  1. gonna miss that cloonan art…

    • Yeah, Cloonan was awesome but I really can’t complain about getting some James Harren art. This is my first time reading Conan so I’m having a lot of fun with it.

    • I loved Cloonan’s art in arc 1 too, but this was a very different story than that first one. I think Harren complimented the more action/city arc really well. (And am I wrong, or isn’t Cloonan coming back in a few issues?)

    • errr….Becky Cloonan has not been on for the past three issues, and she’s back for a one-shot next issue.

  2. I think I’m sadly going to have to drop this book for budgetary reasons alone and trying to cut back which sucks because this has been great so far

    • I also hate it when I have to drop great books for budget. Check out the library in a few months after an arc is done for the trade!

    • Bummer man, this book has been tones of fun. The good news is the trades will always be out there!

  3. Think I’m gonna get the trade of this when it’s out. I’ve heard nothing but good things. It’s something I’d otherwise never pick up in a million years.

    • Yeah, I’d tried Conan a few times through the years & never felt too strongly about it. This, though, has to be my favorite book on the shelves right now, excluding maybe Saga. Exciting, fun & character-driven, all in the right doses. Definitely check out the trade, man.

  4. Cloonan’s great, but I’m loving watching Harren develop. Excellent stuff!

    • Me too, between his work on BPRD, and now Conan; Harren has jumped right onto my list of artists I will follow no matter what the book is.

  5. Besides Batman, this is probably my most anticipated book for the week. I’ve been loving every single issue so far. Brian Wood kicks some serious ass.


    I feel like the energy from the pages flowed straight into me. I might have to go pillage to get it out of my system. Can’t say enough good things about this book.

  7. Harren’s ability to convey speed of movement really knocks me off my feet. Yowza.

  8. That was super bad ass. I haven’t read all my books yet, but it looks like this and The Walking Dead are gonna have to duke it out for my PotW.

  9. This was an awesome issue, I honestly thought this was better than Batman #11. I’ve been loving the crap out of this series so far.

  10. Ive tried to expand my comic reading beyond cape-only books, and picked issue #1 of this up on a whim, and I am blown away every single issue. The writing, pacing, art is incredible. I have never read a conan book before this one, and I am starting to think Brian Wood has officially reached “ill read anything with his name on it” status, like remender and hickman have right now.

    This is one of the only books I read each issue that actually transports me to the world, and I feel like a kid again, reading the comics and getting drawn into the fantasy world. Cant say enough good things about this book, and I will be sad when the 25th and last issue comes out. Perfection.

    • Yes, very much yes. I’m not even a fan of the X-Men but as soon as I saw he was writing it, signed up.

      If you haven’t already, check out Brian Woods previous books. Good stuff all around.

  11. this book is awesome every bit of it just fuking awesome

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