Comic Books

CHEW #16


art & cover ROB GUILLORY

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 18.1%


ComicBookGuy3701/06/11NoRead Review
TheNextChampion12/22/10NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.6
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. How are they going to top themselves with that amazing 15th issue?

  2. @TheNextChampion  By starting to explain all that happened.  #15 made me go “What!?” “How!?” “Now way!” more than any book in a long time.

  3. the week that #15 came out I got caught up with the omnivore ed. 1 and the issues 11-15.  The wait for this has been excruciating and I’m so excited for the supposed cosmic stuff to start really happening.

  4. I’ve never read this, but I have to comment on that cover. I love it!

  5. this cover is creepy.

  6. Wow…I didn’t even notice the crutch until now. Count me creeped out as well.

  7. Definitely contender for BotWiC.

  8. This was amazing. That is all.


  9. I like this, I rated it 4/5, but I don’t love it like it seems everyone else does. Sometimes there is just too much crazy shit going on for its own good. 

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