Comic Books

CHEW #12


The killer cock Poyo returns! Feathers will fly, and blood will spill! Plus: Tony Chu undercover!

story JOHN LAYMAN, art & cover ROB GUILLORY

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 3.5%


TheNextChampion07/14/10YesRead Review
akamuu07/14/10NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.4
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  1. I don’t know what’s going on in that cover but I hope we don’t see these two in bed at the end.

  2. @TNC – Nope, it will be D-Bear & Poyo in ways only a gansta can love a chicken.

  3. Cover of the Week for the gold fist afro pick and death-chicken.

  4. Top of my pile to read first…this series never fails to be awesome. 

  5. "Killer cock"!!!

  6. @PazrDu: I tip my hat to you good sir, that was a good one.

    It is going to be funny to see Tony as a White Boy. I bet his fake ear will give him away. 

  7. The hardcover collection is coming out for this series . . . going to be awesome.

  8. This is my number two book right now, right behind Scalped. Variety and spice and all that, on chicken.

  9. @ScorpionMasada – When is that scheduled to come out?  I’ve been meaning to get the first two trades, but if there is going to be hardcover collecting them I’ll have to wait for that.

  10. @jwaesch: The CHEW Hardcover comes out on August 11. And we’ll have a few copies on hand for sale at SDCC. John and I are EXTREMELY proud of how it came out.

  11. @robguillory Well I’m sure its difficult in this medium to come up with something truly fresh and unique.  You guys have done that admirably.  You have a lot to be proud of.

  12. Yeah, not bad for a coupla philofeline freaks, who’s zealotry could give even the stereotypical HR spinster a run for her money!

  13. Are you guys fans of Penny Arcade? Because the writing and art style strongly reminds me of that comic strip.

  14. Another great issue as always. Props for Guillory for another hilarious ‘hidden’ joke on Colby’s desk.


  15. Who’s that guy in the restaurant rattling off all the chemical ingredients? I want more of that guy.

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